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Titles of lectures
Prof. Dr. Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba – UAL 

“A New Comprehensive Approach for Large Scale Pesticide Multi-residue Methods in Food Analysis by using LC/TOF-MS and LC/QQQ-MS”
“European Proficiency Tests on Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables. History and main Achievements”
Dr. André de Kok – VWA 

“Comparison and Validation of two Fast Extraction Methods for the Multi-residue Analysis of 221 Pesticides in Soya grain, using GPC cleanup and various GC and LC-MS Detection Techniques and Modes”
Arne Andersson – SLV 

“European Proficiency Tests on Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables. History and main Achievements”

“New EU Regulation on MRL setting and Results from the Swedish Monitoring of Pesticide Residues in Foods from
Latin America” 
Prof. M.Sc. Clemens Ruepert – UN 

Pesticide Exposure among Agricultural Workers and Children. What are the Risks in Costa Rica?
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Dellacassa – UDELAR 

“Mass Spectrometry Techniques in Organic Analytical Chemistry: Theory and Practice”
Dra. Ellen Scherbaum – CVUA 

“Establishment of European Community Reference Laboratories – Scope of Duties and Benefit for Pesticide Laboratories”
Prof. Dr. Fernando M. Lanças

“Miniaturization of Separation Techniques for Pesticide Residue Analysis”
Dr. Hans Mol– RIKILT

“Pesticide Multi-Residue Analysis based on Ethyl Acetate Extraction and GC with various Mass Spectrometric Detection Techniques”
Prof. Dr. Horacio R. Beldoménico – UNL 

“Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Procedures in a Pesticide Analysis Laboratory”
Prof. Dr. Horacio Heinzen– UDELAR 
“Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Lipids which are not Fats and Oils”
Dr. Lutz Alder – BfR 

“Matrix effects in GC and LC-MS/MS. How to get Accurate Results?”
Dra. Monika Bross – BASF 

“EU residue chemistry guidelines in context of the revision of the annexes II and III of the Directive 91/414/EEC”
Prof. Dr. René Vreuls – VU 

“Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry combined with New GC and Sample Preparation Concepts as Powerful Tool for Fast Determination of Trace Level Contamination in Complex Fruit, Vegetable and Food Extracts”.
Dr. Richard Fussell  – CSL 

“Measurement Uncertainty Associated with Sample Processing of Fruit and Vegetables for Pesticide Residue Analysis”
Dr. Steven Lehotay – USDA 

“Past, Present and Future Prospects of Pesticide Residue Analysis”