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Simondon’s thought in the Global South

Technical and Scientific Publicado: 21 agosto 2024 - 09:58 Última modificação: 13 setembro 2024 - 17:40 Ouvir

Enoch Sontonga Ave, Johannesburg, Johannesburg South, 2000, South Africa - Johannesburg

07/10/2024 14:00 - 08/10/2024 18:30


Simondon’s thought in the Global South

The conference “Simondon’s Thought in the Global South” will be held at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, in partnership with the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, on the 7th and 8th of October 2024. This hybrid event, accessible both in person and online, will feature a diverse program, including a keynote lecture, panel discussions, workshops, and the “Quantum Echoes of Humanity” exhibition presented by WITS and LabInter/UFSM. The conference aims to explore Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy, with a particular focus on the specificities of individuation processes in the Global South and their relationships with emerging technologies. This represents a deterritorializing reterritorialization of Simondon’s philosophy, where different historical, cultural, and technological conditions exist. 

Examining the concept of individuation from a Global South perspective necessitates a historical review of philosophical thought. To conceptualise individuation distinctly from substantialism, hylomorphism, and Hegelian idealism, Simondon introduces in his landmark work, Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information (1958), a novel concept that serves as the foundation and origin of all individuation. For him, unity and identity, essential for the existence of an individuated being, arise as dynamic consequences of the process of ontogenesis. His critique of traditional metaphysical concepts lays the groundwork for a processual approach to understanding the emergence of beings as individuation. 

Gilbert Simondon constructs a sophisticated theory aimed at overturning traditional ontological notions. Interested in developing a philosophy that transcends disciplinary boundaries, Simondon’s interdisciplinary approach is unified by a unique theory of individuation. He re-conceptualizes individuation as an ongoing, never-ending process in which the individual mediates between two disparate orders of magnitude. Simondon’s worldview is dynamic rather than static, understanding the world in terms of processes rather than fixed principles. Individual beings are viewed as singular phases within the ongoing process of individuation, perpetually open to becoming.

In celebration of the centenary of Gilbert Simondon’s birth, we pose the question: Why is Simondon’s thought relevant in the current context of the Global South? We recognize that Simondon opened new avenues of philosophical inquiry directly applicable to the modern technological world. He plays a crucial role in developing philosophical ideas about technology as the co-constitution of society in a techno-social individuation with the artefacts it develops within its environment. His second doctoral thesis, The Mode of Existence of Technical Objects (1958), addresses many concerns about technological alienation and the construction of technical objects in balance with production processes. 

Simondon’s work provides a new approach that integrates culture, technology, and nature, countering alienated, universal, and hegemonic modern thought. He provides a rich theoretical framework to rethink the relation of the individual and the social as technological mediation. This conference seeks to deepen the understanding of Simondon’s relevance, examining how his ideas can inform contemporary technological and social challenges in the Global South.




Dr Renzo Filinich Orozco (Wits University)

Dr Rene Alicia Smith (Wits University)

Dr Andreia Machado Oliveira (UFSM University/Wits University)


Organizing Committee

Dr. Felix Rebolledo Palazuelos (UFSM, Brazil)

Dra. Kalinka Lorenci Mallmann (UFSM, Brazil)

Dr. Matheus Moreno dos Santos Camargo (UFSM, Brazil)

Camila dos Santos (UFSM, Brazil)

Jean Oliver Link (UFSM, Brazil)

Thais Oliveira  (UFSM, Brazil)

Lungelolakhe Mthembu-Salter (WITS, SA)




Humanities Graduate Centre  – Seminar

1 Jan Smuts Ave.

Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2000

The Origins Centre Wits University  – Exhibition artwork

Yale Road & 1 Enoch Sontonga Ave. 

Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2000

Tshimologong Precinct – Workshop

41 Juta St. 

Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2017

Language and Arts Center – Federal University of Santa Maria/Brazil – Seminar

Av. Roraima nº 1000, Cidade Universitária, prédio 40, sala 1203, 

Santa Maria – RS, Brazil



Monday 7th October

9:00 – 12:00 – BR

14:00 – 15:00- SA

Keynote: Simondon’s modes of existence in the Global South

Dr. Pablo Esteban Rodríguez (UBA, Argentina)

Facilitator: Dr. Andreia Machado Oliveira (UFSM, Brazil/Wits University, South África)

Venue: Humanities Graduate Centre

12:00 – BR

15:00 – SA

Coffee Break
12:30 – 13:45 – BR

15:30 – 16:45 – SA

Gilbert Simondon in South Africa

Dr. Chantelle Gray (UJ University, South África)

Dr (c). Rudi Van Rensburg (North West University, South África)

Dr (c). Aragorn Eloff (Free State University, South África)

Facilitator: Dr. Rene Alicia Smith (Wits University, South África)

Venue: Humanities Graduate Centre


Tuesday 8th October 

10:00 – 12:00 – SA Workshop: What is Techno-Aesthetics? 

Dr. Andreia Machado Oliveira (UFSM, Brazil/Wits University, South África)

Dr. Renzo Filinich Orozco (Wits University, South África)

Venue: Tshimologong Precinct 

9:00 – 10:15 – BR

14:00 – 15:15  – SA


Gilbert Simondon in Latin America

Dr.  Javier Blanco(UNC, Argentina)

Mr. Dusan Cotoras, Nucleo FAIR (Adolfo Ibañez, Chile)

Dr. Lina Marcela Gil Congote (UdeA, Colombia) 

Facilitator: Dr. Renzo Filinich Orozco (Wits University, South África)

Venue: Humanities Graduate Centre

10:15 – BR

15:15 – SA

Coffee Break
10:15 – 11:45 – BR

15:30 – 16:45 – SA


Gilbert Simondon in Brazil 

Dr. Guto Nóbrega (UFRJ, Brazil)

Dr. Maria Fernanda Novo (USP, Brazil)

Dr. Thiago Novaes (UFC, Brazil)

Facilitator: Dr. Felix Rebolledo Palazuelos (UFSM, Brazil)

Venues: Humanities Graduate Centre

17:30 – SA
Artwork Presentation: Quantum Echoes of Humanity + conversation with artists  

Renzo Filinich Orozco – WITS / LabInter – UFSM

Venue: The Origins Centre Wits University 

13:30 – BR EFEMERA Full Dome Exhibit – Planetarium of UFSM

Venue: UFSM Planetarium/ Brazil

18:30 – SA



Renzo Filinich Orozco


Enoch Sontonga Ave, Johannesburg, Johannesburg South, 2000, South Africa

Enoch Sontonga Ave - 2000 - Johannesburg South

Johannesburg - Rio Grande do Sul

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