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Foreign External User Registration


Decree No. 8,539, dated October 8, 2015, determines the mandatory use of electronic means to carry out the administrative process in the scope of the organs and entities of the federal public administration.

The Foreign External User Registration is for foreign people who do not have any formal relationship with the university but need to request, submit and sign documents for electronic administrative processes in the PEN-SIE Information System at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM).

Documents required for registration:

  • copy of passport.

1. To register, you must fill out the request form and attach a copy of your passport.
2. After submitting the form, you will receive an e-mail with instructions for the following steps.
3. It will be necessary to validate a password to log into the system and sign the Agreement Term for the use of the PEN-SIE Electronic Signature.

UFSM abides by the provisions of Law No. 13,709, of August 14, 2018 (General Data Protection Law – LGPD) for the treatment of personal data, which will be used for:

  • identification and registration of individuals in order to enable their electronic interaction in electronic administrative processes with UFSM, in accordance with Article 3, of Decree No. 10,543/2020;
  • biographical validation for the advanced mode of the electronic signature, according to Art. 4, item II, of Law No. 14,063/2020, which certifies authorship and integrity of electronic documents.

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