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Ergonomics applied to aquaculture: A case study of postural risk analysis in the manual harvesting of cultivated mussels

The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMD) in the manual harvesting of cultivated mussels. The Ovako Working Posture Analysis System (OWAS) was applied during operations of sea withdrawal and disaggregation of mussels, which are considered as the most difficult ones of the harvest process adopted in the State of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. On average, 35 work positions were identified during the removal of mussels from the sea and 28 postures during mussels’ disaggregation. During sea withdrawal, 74.4% of the positions were classified as harmful to the workers’ musculoskeletal system, requiring immediate or short-term interventions in the workplace. During mussels’ disaggregation, the percentage was of 69%. Besides pointing out the risks of musculoskeletal injuries to which workers are subject, the research allowed identifying which labor positions should be avoided and how avoiding them to eliminate such risks.

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Autores: André Luís Tortato Novaes, Gilberto José Pereira Onofrede Andrade, Airton dos Santos Alonço, Aimê Rachel Magenta Magalhães