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Cosmografias” é uma proposta audiovisual imersiva para formato fulldome. Propõe a construção de topologias abertas a partir de grafismos sonoros gerados no cosmos. Ao iniciarmos com imagens de topologias em movimento, buscamos ativar certos imaginários que pertencem ao mundo celestial, ligando constelações a linhas que se intensificam em movimentos caleidoscópicos. Esta proposta audiovisual imersiva visa explorar possibilidades de produção e criação para formato fulldome.

Utilizamos o software Adobe After Effects para construção das animações. O trabalho foi desenvolvido empregando técnicas de motions, glitch art e efeitos em três dimensões com objetivo de uma maior imersão audiovisual do espectador no ambiente.

Esta proposta foi desenvolvida pelo LabInter como parte do projeto Taller Fulldome UVM 2015/2016 – Understanding Visual Music, organizado pelo Centro de Experimentación e Investigación en Artes Electrónicas de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero CEIArtE/UNTREF e Planetário Galileo Galilei da cidade de Buenos Aires. Participou dos eventos: EFEMERA 2016 – Santa Maria/Brasil; IMMERSPHERE Festival 2017 – Brasília/Brasil; e Balance – Unbalance – Plymouth/UK


Cosmografias” proposes the construction of open immersive topologies from sonic signals emerging from the cosmos. We start out by elaborating an intrinsically pictorial code with images of topologies in movement and synthesise it with sonic imagery of volume as space, as intensity and as experience. We seek to activate certain imagery that belongs to the celestial world, linking points of light with phantasmal lines to constellate intensities and displacements into a modulation of an affectual space-time. Our immersive audiovisual propositions look to explore the possibilities of production and creation within the Fulldome format. We compose the works on superposed layers: the foundation layer undoes the form-background relationship with the Fulldome through a celestial field or firmament of infinite spatial depth within and through which the drama of transformation plays out. Immersed in this limitless volume, figures of light interact with each other as variations of colour and intensity to compose rotational movements which generate a moving geometry of processual meshings. We use Adobe AfterEffects software for the composition of the animations. These artistic proposals/propositions for the Fulldome format were developed by Interdisciplinary Interactive Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria/Brazil (LabInter/UFSM).

Conceptually, “Cosmografias” (Cosmographies) proposes the construction of open immersive topologies from sonic signals emerging from the cosmos. We start out by elaborating an intrinsically pictorial code with images of topologies in movement and synthesise it with sonic imagery of volume as space, as intensity and as experience. We seek to activate certain imagery that belongs to the celestial world, linking points of light with phantasmal lines to constellate intensities and displacements into a modulation of an affectual space-time.

Aesthetically, our immersive audiovisual propositions look to explore the possibilities of production and creation within the Fulldome format. We compose the works on superposed layers: the foundation layer undoes the form-background relationship with the Fulldome through a celestial field or firmament of infinite spatial depth within and through which the drama of transformation plays out. Immersed in this limitless volume, figures of light interact with each other as variations of colour and intensity to compose rotational movements which generate a moving geometry of processual meshings.

Technically, we use Adobe AfterEffects software for the composition of the animations. AfterEffects allows the development of high-resolution imagery within the software itself by composing animation and compositing with archival images, video footage or digital animation objects. The various works were developed using techniques and practices from classical and digital animation, glitch art and 3-D effect plug-ins with the intent of attaining a more intense immersive environmental effect in the spectator.

These artistic proposals/propositions for the Fulldome format were developed by LabInter in 2015-16 as part of the UVM—Understanding Visual Music Fulldome Workshop sponsored by the CEIArtE/UNTREF and the Galileo Galilei Planetarium in Buenos Aires coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra.

Equipe LabInter: Andreia Oliveira, Alexandre Montibeller, Cristiano Figueiró, Evaristo do Nascimento, Fabio de Almeida, Matheus Moreno, Muriel Paraboni