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The Vice President of UFSM Participates in a New Mission in China 

The objective of the trip is to build partnerships and strengthen connections with Chinese institutions 

The Vice President of UFSM, Martha Adaime, is traveling to China for the Second Mission of UFSM in the country this year. This time, the agenda is in the Canton region. 

Professor Martha was invited and financially supported to travel by the Belt and Road Initiative, intermediated by Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT), which will host the International Seminar on Global Governance: Progress, Challenges, and the Future, with the participation of more than 20 foreign institutions and 60 Chinese universities. In the Forum, Martha will be one of the lecturers, presenting UFSM on the Global Economic Governance. 

Travel Schedule 

This Friday (November 10), the Vice President and the representative of the International Affairs Office, Daniela do Canto, were welcomed at South China University of Technology (SCUT) by the university’s Vice President, the Vice President of International Relations, and the individual responsible for the international exchanges of SCUT. On this occasion, a Memorandum of Understanding between UFSM and SCUT was signed. The universities agreed to deepen joint research in the areas of technology, especially Artificial Intelligence, Engineering, and Architecture. SCUT is a partner of Huawei in the development of technologies, a company that is also a partner of UFSM in innovation projects. 

On Saturday (November 11), Martha will participate in the International Seminar on Global Governance, where she will present the lecture: “The Role of UFSM in the Global Economic Governance”. The event will take place at Guangdong University of Technology. On Sunday, November 12, she will participate in the anniversary party of the university and will sign an agreement for research and mobility. 

For Monday (November 13), a visit to Jinan University is scheduled for the signing of new agreements. On November 15, the Vice President will visit the South China Agricultural University, an institution that UFSM already has an agreement with, with the objective of boosting cooperation. There she will be welcomed by the institution’s Vice President. On November 16, she will be welcomed by the President of the University of Hong Kong. 

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