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The International Affairs Office

Units and Team

The International Affairs Office (SAI) at UFSM promotes and supports actions for internationalization, strenghtening the image of UFSM abroad and its global relevance. SAI is responsible for establishing international agreements with other teaching, research, and extension institutions, presenting UFSM as a potential destination for studying and researching, and facilitating the arrival of foreign students, professors, and staff. Additionally, SAI guides the internal community on international opportunities.  

Prof. Dr. Paulo Bayard Dias Gonçalves ·

Prof. Dr. Júlio César Cossio Rodriguez ·

Diogo Moreira ·

  • Receives documents, materials, demands, and requests and send them to the responsible units at SAI.
  • Answers doubts of the academic community about the activities carried out at SAI.
  • Administers SAI’s email address.
  • Schedules the activities related to SAI and its Head Office’s demands.
  • Keeps and organizes documents and files related to SAI, as well as the administrative environment.
  • Helps and guides the other units at SAI on the execution of the administrative routines, as well as on their sectoral plannings. 
  • Pays the scholarships for international students.
  • Requests, pays, and cancels scholarships for UFSM students at SAI.
  • Plans the purchases of materials for SAI.
  • Plans, requests, and receives consumables for SAI.
  • Commits funds for the financial execution related to UGR-SAI.
  • Transfers and reclassifies resources for the financial execution related to UGR-SAI.
  • Requests trips at SCDP and accounts them for the financial execution related to UGR-SAI.
  • Analyses and sends the different requests of payments for the financial execution related to UGR-SAI.
  • Requests reimbursements for the financial execution related to UGR-SAI.
  • Plans the annual activities of the unit.
  • Organizes the schedules of scholarship students and staff at SAI.
  • Schedules the vacations for staff at SAI.
  • Updates the reference documents and the administrative routines at SAI.
  • Elaborates the annual report of the unit’s activities.

Ariane Rossi ·

  • Supports both foreign and local professors, researchers, and students to participate in bilateral international academic mobility.

Mariana Buss ·

  • Keeps and updates SAI’s official webpages.
  • Shares opportunities of international academic mobilities.
  • Shares information on international lectures, courses, and events at UFSM.
  • Shares information on the arrival of the results of TOEFL iTP for retrival.
  • Shares important information related to internacionalization.
  • Shares local events for the international community.
  • Shares SAI’s events.
  • Designs, elaborates, and shares materials to promote SAI.
  • Gives lectures to promote SAI.

Patrícia Fernandes ·

  • Supports the design of the internacionalization policy at UFSM.
  • Supports the design of the linguistic policy at UFSM.
  • Supports the recognition of international certificates.
  • Proposes actions in prol of the development and awareness of international skills of the academic community at UFSM.
  • Receives, analyses, and sends proposals of internacionalization from specific Decentralized Comitees of Internacionalization. 

Amy Lee ·

Daniela do Canto ·

  • Offers the translation of official documents for the Central Administrative Offices, Provost Offices, and teaching units.
  • Supports the Language Courses at UFSM. 
  • Translates the curriculums of Programs at UFSM.

Caroline Mello ·

  • Supports both foreign and local professors, researchers, and students to participate in international academic mobility on institutions that are part of The Montevideo Group Universities Association (AUGM) (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay).

Gracielli Mainardi ·

  • Supports both foreign and local professors, researchers, and students to participate in international academic mobility on institutions that are part of multilateral programs, including the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB), the Undergraduate Student Agreement Program (PEC-G), and the Brazilian Association of International Education (FAUBAI).
  • Supports both foreign and local students in carrying out international internships. 

Angelica Iensen ·

  • Supports foreign professors, researchers, and students that come to UFSM.
  • Plans and follows procedures to welcome foreigners together with other comittees, teaching units, and programs offices. 
  • Guides international students in the arrival process and stay at UFSM.
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