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Administrative Staff

UFSM offers the following initiatives to host foreign administrative staff:


The Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (AUGM), established in 1991, is comprised of member institutions from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, UFSM being one of the founding institutions.

The program provides opportunities for international academic mobility at various levels and in different areas among the participating institutions, establishing strategic alliances and offering cultural enrichment for the participants. The program’s objectives include spreading and improving knowledge, enriching participants’ professional and personal development, and contributing to institutional development through international experiences. For more information on AUGM, please visit  

The application process takes place annually at the home institution. Interested staff should either contact the International Affairs Office (SAI) at the email listed below, or the equivalent department at UFSM, which will contact SAI to check the viability of a mobility program. The home institution provides financial assistance for transportation, whereas UFSM offers housing and food.

For specific questions regarding AUGM, please contact us at:

Staff from a Partner Institution

Foreign staff from partner institutions are also welcome to work at UFSM for a given period of time. The cooperation agreement must include administrative activities in the work plan. The procedures for coming to UFSM through this type of initiative must be arranged directly with the host department at UFSM.

For specific questions regarding Partner Institutions, please contact us at:

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