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Santa Maria

The city of Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria is a municipality in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state of Brazil, situated 290 km away from the capital, Porto Alegre. It is the 5th biggest municipality in Rio Grande do Sul, and the largest in its micro-region, standing out as a commercial, educational, military, and service center at the region.

Tourism and Leisure

Basílica da Medianeira

The sanctuary was inaugurated and liturgically dedicated on August 15, 1985, on the 75th anniversary of the creation of the Diocese and the 50th anniversary of the blessing of the First Stone. The stained glass windows represent Marian biblical motifs, as well as the main historical milestones of the Medianeira devotion in Santa Maria. The High Altar is covered with fossilized wood from the municipality of Mata. In the center of the presbytery, the image of the Holy Trinity is visible, emphasizing the Risen Christ. The year 1930 marked the beginning of the Medianeira Festival in Santa Maria, and from 1943, the State Pilgrimages began, which still attract believers today. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims and devotees have passed through the Sanctuary Basílica de Nossa Senhora Medianeira de Todas as Graças. The pilgrimage takes place every second Sunday of November.

Picture by João Alves/Santa Maria City Hall's Collection

Calçadão Salvador Isaia

It is an excellent option for leisure, shopping, and gatherings. It has shops, bars, restaurants, a shopping mall, and various gastronomic and cultural options. Located in the city center, on the first block of Dr. Bozano street.

Santa Maria City Hall's Collection

Itaimbé Park

It is the most well-known park in the city, serving as a place for social integration and leisure in the municipality. Along the park, you will find the Honey House, the Multiple Activities Center, and the Acoustic Shell.

Nossa Senhora da Conceição Diocesan Cathedral

Inaugurated in 1909. The facade features an eclectic style, with architectural elements from various moments in art history, especially from the Baroque and Neoclassical periods. Internally, it is enriched with works by the Italian painter Aldo Locatelli. It is located at Rio Branco avenue, 821.

Picture by Ronald Mendes/Santa Maria City Hall's Collection

Nossa Senhora das Dores Church

Inaugurated in 1936. The facade features a beautiful sculpture of Christ with open arms. It has elements from medieval Italy and also aspects of Baroque art. The internal painting is by the painter Lazzarini. It is located at Nossa Senhora das Dores avenue, 304.

Santa Maria Air Base (BASM)

Established in 1970, it is a landmark in the local landscape, thanks to the great integration it achieved with the community. It holds two major events annually for the external public: in May, the Sentinela Mateada, and in October, the Aeronautical Exhibition (EXPOAER), one of the largest aeronautical events in the southern region of the country. It is located at RST 287, Camobi neighborhood, km 12.

Picture by Filipe Schaurich/Santa Maria City Hall's Collection

Theatro Treze de Maio

Inaugurated in 1890, it features Neoclassical architectural style. After undergoing restoration, remodeling, and expansion, it was solemnly reopened. It is currently maintained by the Friends of Theatro Treze de Maio Association, where numerous theatrical, dance, music performances, recitals, and more are held. It is located in Praça Saldanha Marinho, in the city center.

Vila Belga

Built in the early 20th century to house employees of the Belgian company that operated the railway, it was one of the first housing complexes in the state. The eclectic architecture of the 84 houses, with the presence of Art Nouveau elements decorating the facades, brought reflections of the French “Belle Époque” to Santa Maria. It is part of the set called Mancha Ferroviária along with Manoel Ribas School and the Railway Station, listed by IPHAE as Historical and Artistic Heritage of Rio Grande do Sul. It is located at the end of Rio Branco avenue.

Picture by João Alves/Santa Maria City Hall's Collection

Itinerary Options 

Eventur Travel and Tourism company offers a city tour service for those interested in exploring Santa Maria and the surrounding area. Prices and conditions can be consulted at Shop 09 – Commercial Center of UFSM Campus, or by emailing