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Immigrants and Refugees

If you are a refugee or immigrant experiencing social vulnerability and are planning to join or are already part of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), the institution offers a range of services to ensure an inclusive and equitable academic experience. This guide outlines the key steps and services available to support you. Please note that most benefits require registration and are subject to evaluation through specific public notices or application calls.

1. Departments Responsible for Your Reception

At UFSM, several units work together to ensure reception and support:

  • Provost Office for Undergraduate Studies (PROGRAD): Manages admission to undergraduate programs.

  • Provost Office for Graduate Studies and Research (PRPGP): Manages admission to master’s and doctoral programs.

  • International Affairs Office (SAI): Provides guidance on the documentation required to maintain legal residency in Brazil.

  • Provost Office for Student Affairs (PRAE): Offers student support services, including housing and benefits.

  • Provost Office for Extension (PRE): Promotes integration through participation in extension projects.

2. Reception and Support Steps
Here are the steps you will go through when joining UFSM:

  • Admission: PROGRAD (undergraduate) and PRPGP (graduate) will evaluate your application, taking into account UFSM’s capacity to offer financial and logistical support.
  • Guidance on Documentation: After being selected, you will participate in a mandatory process coordinated by SAI to assist with regularizing your documentation in Brazil. This step does not affect your classification in the selection process.
  • Student assistance: SAI will provide guidance on accessing the public health system, while PRAE will assist you in participating in public notices to apply for benefits such as housing, meals at the university restaurant and transportation.
  • Teaching, research and extension projects: PRE, through the Human Rights Observatory (ODH), will issue specific calls for applications enabling you to take part in teaching, research and extension projects.
    Note: SAI will coordinate Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE) programs and cultural adaptation activities.

3. Reception and follow-up
UFSM hosts specific reception events for refugees and immigrants, in addition to the university’s regular programming. These events, organized by the departments listed above, will address important topics to support your academic journey and integration into the university community.
For graduate students, the reception will be tailored to your arrival date, in collaboration your graduate program coordinator.

4. IMPORTANT: Participation in Teaching, Research and Extension actions
UFSM encourages your involvement in extracurricular activities, such as teaching, research and extension projects, to foster your integration into academic life and the local community. PRE will issue specific calls for proposals for refugees and immigrants. A dedicated page on the UFSM website lists scholarship opportunities made available through public notices. Stay updated by visiting:

5. Student Housing for Immigrants and Refugees
UFSM provides student housing, known as Casa do Estudante Universitário (CEU), for socially vulnerable undergraduate and graduate students. Refugees and immigrants can apply for residency at CEU only after applying for and receiving the Socio-Economic Benefit (BSE). Applications are managed by PRAE and eligibility is determined based on socio-economic criteria.
Be sure to stay updated on the deadlines for BSE and Student Housing program notices.

6. Unified Health System (SUS)
SUS is Brazil’s public health system, offering free medical consultations, treatments, vaccines and other health services to all residents, including refugees and immigrants, regardless of their migration situation. To access SUS, you must register at a Basic Health Unit (UBS) near your residence. SAI can guide you through this process.
For more information on public health in Brazil, visit the UNHCR website:

7. Meals at the University Restaurant (RU)
The University Restaurant (RU) offers meals at subsidized prices for enrolled UFSM students. Access to the RU is only granted after your enrollment is confirmed.

There are two options:

  • Subsidized meals: available to all UFSM students
  • Free meals: Available to students with BSE (Socio-economic benefit)

To receive free meals, you must apply for BSE through a public notice. Once approved, this benefit includes free meals.
Note: Stay updated on the deadlines for BSE program notices to ensure you submit your request on time.

8. Organizing your arrival at UFSM
It is crucial to organize your arrival at UFSM only after receiving official confirmation of your admission via the “email de confirmação de matrícula”. The university can provide support and assistance only after you are formally enrolled as a student. Therefore, wait until the selection process is complete and you have received final confirmation before making any travel arrangements.

9. Explore the UFSM Global website

The UFSM Global website offers valuable information on public transportation, bank accounts, Portuguese courses and more!

10. Contacts:
Here are the key contacts for your reference:

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