UFSM offers the following initiatives to host international professors:
The Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (AUGM), established in 1991, is comprised of member institutions from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, UFSM being one of the founding institutions.
The program provides opportunities for international academic mobility at various levels and in different areas among the participating institutions, establishing strategic alliances and offering cultural enrichment for the participants. The program’s objectives include spreading and improving knowledge, enriching participants’ professional and personal development, and contributing to institutional development through international experiences. For more information on AUGM, please visit http://grupomontevideo.org/site/.
The application process takes place annually at the home institution. Interested professors should contact a host professor at the compatible department at UFSM who will contact the International Affairs Office to check the viability of a mobility program. The home institution provides financial assistance for transportation, whereas UFSM offers housing and food.
For specific questions regarding AUGM, please contact us at: sai.augm@ufsm.br.
Visiting Professor
UFSM appoints international visiting professors who have held a Ph.D., or an equivalent title, for at least two years, demonstrating expertise in their respective fields and significant scientific production over the past five years. Visiting professors undertake teaching, research, and advisory responsibilities, with the goal of fulfilling the specific objectives of the respective graduate program.
The selection process takes place through calls for applications by the Provost Office for Graduate Studies and Research (PRPGP), which are posted on its website. Each Graduate Program at UFSM is responsible for submitting International Visiting Professor projects. Therefore, if you aspire to be an International Visiting Professor at UFSM, the initial step is to get in touch with the Graduate Program in your field of knowledge.
The contract is for a specific period, with options to spend three, six, nine, or twelve months. The position and salary, in dollars, are equivalent to those of a full professor. UFSM also provides financial help for transportation.
International professors may also participate in calls from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) to become a Special Visiting Professor. This entails spending one to three months in Brazil every year for a period of two to three years. The position offers a salary of 14 thousand reais, in addition to financial assistance for transportation and housing. The objective of this program is to foster international cooperation and exchange, aiming to strengthen research on priority themes, establish partnerships with international leaders, and provide a range of benefits for researchers of internationally recognized excellence. The calls for application are available on this website.
For specific questions regarding the Visiting Professor initiative, please contact us at: prpgp@ufsm.br.
Volunteer Professor
International professors may enroll at UFSM as volunteer professors. In this case, the teaching, research, and extension activities are not paid. To apply as a volunteer professor, you must submit a proposal that includes 1) an activity plan that clearly and concisely specifies the services to be provided, 2) start and end dates, and weekly workload, and 3) curriculum vitae. The activities may be carried out for two years, with the possibility of renewal for an additional two years. The application must be submitted for consideration by the collegiate council of the hosting department.
For specific questions regarding the Volunteer Professor initiative, please contact us at: numov@ufsm.br.
Professor from a Partner Institution
International professors from partner institutions are also welcome to work at UFSM for a given period of time. The cooperation agreement between the partner institutions must include teaching activities in the work plan. This type of initiative must be arranged directly with the host department or graduate program.
For specific questions regarding Partner Institutions, please contact us at: sai.bilateral@ufsm.br.
Professor for Technical Missions
Specific laboratories at UFSM may host international professors for technical missions lasting 15 days. This type of initiative must be arranged directly with the hosting Laboratory.