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Graduate GCUB

Graduate GCUB-Mob

What is it?

GCUB-Mob is a program by the International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) that enables international students to pursue master’s or doctoral degrees with scholarships. On a yearly basis, GCUB consults its member institutions, including UFSM, to offer master’s and doctoral positions, publishes an international call for applications, and promotes the opportunity globally.

Important: Scholarships are provided by the member institutions through their graduate programs (PPGs). GCUB itself does not offer scholarships through this program.

How to apply?

GCUB organizes the online application and selection process. Applications are submitted through the website The selection process is a joint effort between GCUB and the participating institutions:

  1. Initial Selection: GCUB conducts the initial selection of international candidates by assessing their documentation.
  2. Merit-Based Evaluation: Supported applications are then forwarded to the member institutions, where each candidate’s merit and admissibility are evaluated.
  3. Final Distribution: The results of this evaluation are sent back to GCUB, which handles the final distribution of selected candidates among the participating institutions.
  4. Confirmation and Acceptance: The distribution results are then sent to the institutions for confirmation, and acceptance letters are issued to the selected foreign candidates.

For all inquiries and communication, please contact us at:

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