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What is it?

FAUBAI-FARA is a program initiated by the Office of International Relations at the Federal University of Viçosa (MG), through which institutions affiliated with the Brazilian Association for International Education (FAUBAI), including UFSM, can offer Master’s, Doctoral, and Post-Doctoral positions exclusively to Nigerian students. This program was established in partnership with the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). Scholarships are funded by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), a Nigerian agency that provides supplementary support for all levels of public education in Nigeria.

How to apply?

The application process is organized by FARA and involves the evaluation of applicants’ CV, project, and other personal information by UFSM. Interested applicants should regularly check the FARA and UFV websites for updates on the application process.

For all inquiries and communication, please contact us at:

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