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Photograph of fossils from UFSM chosen as one of the best of the year by Nature magazine

Research conducted at CAPPA/UFSM highlights the importance of the central region of Rio Grande do Sul for global paleontology

An image featuring significant paleontological finds stored at the Center for Paleontological Research (CAPPA) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) was highlighted in Nature magazine’s annual selection of the best scientific images of 2024, one of the most renowned scientific journals in the world.

The photo shows a specimen of Prestosuchus chiniquensis, excavated by paleontologist Sérgio Furtado Cabreira. This reptile, which belongs to the crocodilian lineage, lived 237 million years ago during the Triassic Period. The discovery reinforces the significance of Brazil—particularly the central region of Rio Grande do Sul—in global paleontology. In the image, alongside the Prestosuchus, CAPPA/UFSM paleontologist Rodrigo Temp Müller holds one of the oldest fossils ever found of dinosaur precursors: a specimen of Gondwanax paraisensis, a reptile also from the Triassic period.

Excellence in Paleontological Research at UFSM

The Santa Maria region, globally recognized for housing one of the richest fossil heritages in the world, has been essential in understanding the evolution of terrestrial vertebrates. Located in São João do Polêsine, CAPPA/UFSM has stood out in research, in the training of new scientists, and in scientific outreach about the evolutionary history of vertebrates. “It is amazing to see how the paleontological research we produce at UFSM has gained worldwide recognition, increasingly boosting the internationalization of our University,” says Temp Müller.

Text: Luciane Treulieb, journalist

Image: Reproduction/Nature. Photograph: Diego Vara/Reuters

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