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UFSM Chemical Engineering students win awards in international competition

The event featured 41 Latin American universities

Undergraduate teams from UFSM’s Chemical Engineering program have won 2nd and 3rd places in the 1st Annual AVEVA Process Simulation Academic Competition for Latin America, organized by the company AVEVA.

The international academic competition involved 40 teams and 80 students from 41 Latin American universities. Giovane Malakowski de Almeida and Bruno Roberto Pasa secured 2nd place, while Nícolas Lima Anése and Thiago Reschützegger took 3rd place (Nícolas Anése is a UFSM graduate and is currently pursuing a master’s degree at UFRGS). The first place was awarded to a team from Peru.

In the competition, participants collaborated to learn, develop, and deliver the most innovative ideas to contribute to a “brighter and forward-looking” energy future.

For more information, visit the company website and Instagram.

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