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UFSM establishes an international agreement with the SAS Institute for graduate courses 

This initiative will allow graduate students from PPGCTA to develop technical knowledge in scientific data analysis  

The international agreement signed by UFSM will allow students from the Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology (PPGCTA) to develop their skills in scientific data analysis using the statistics program SAS Viya, from the globally known SAS institute. The agreement, signed in December 2023, has been in effect since the first semester of 2024, placing UFSM among the 400 universities worldwide utilizing SAS for teaching and data analysis.  

The program is integrated into the courses Applied Statistics, taught by Professor Renius Mello, and Multivariate Analysis, taught by Professors Fernanda Cristina Breda and Renius Mello. To freely access the program, students need to create an academic profile on the SAS Academic Programs webpage using their institutional email address (@ufsm).  

PPGCTA students will develop their skills in the classroom using the SAS Viya for Learners platform, an academic version of the SAS Viya software. In the theoretical portion, students will acquire technical knowledge of scientific data analysis, while in the practical portion, they will use the program to work with and analyze data. Upon completing the courses, students will receive an Academic digital stamp that highlights their expertise and experience using SAS Viya. The program offers tools such as BI (business intelligence), AI (artificial intelligence), machine learning, and deep learning.  

Four other universities have established an agreement with SAS, but only UFSM offers a specialization in applied statistics analysis. “SAS is an excellent choice because it offers a wide variety of tools that encompass the entire analytical life cycle”, highlights Professor Renius Mello. The validity of the agreement is indefinite.  

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