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UFSM inaugurates the first Chinese Smart Classroom in Latin America, dedicated to teaching Chinese language and culture 

Authorities from China and Brazil participated in the event 

On Wednesday, the 3rd of this month, UFSM inaugurated its Chinese Smart Classroom in room 3302 of Building 16. Chinese Smart Classrooms (CSC) are equipped with specific technology for teaching Chinese language and culture. The main equipment and native teachers, who will be present at UFSM, are funded by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC), affiliated with the Ministry of Education of China. The presence of these teachers and the opportunity for direct interaction play a fundamental role in the learning process, establishing the CSC as a center of excellence in Mandarin teaching.  

The inauguration of UFSM’s Chinese Smart Classroom represents a historic milestone for Brazil-China cooperation, being the first of its kind implemented in our country and in Latin America. This achievement was made possible through the long-standing and robust partnership established between UFSM and Chinese institutions, largely due to the efforts of Prof. Qiao Jianzhen (Hebei Normal University/Confucius Institute at the Fluminense Federal University). 

Developing the future 

The inauguration of the Chinese Smart Classroom (CSC) reaffirms the city of Santa Maria and UFSM’s national and international prominence, showcasing their pioneering actions and projects. Currently, China boasts over 60 universities offering undergraduate courses in Portuguese, whereas Brazil has only one program at the University of São Paulo (USP). This underscores the immense potential for the development of new courses in the country, with the CSC serving as a vital catalyst for similar initiatives to be established. 

For UFSM, forging this collaboration with China signifies not just the enhancement of linguistic and cultural exchange but also the advancement of science, technology, and innovation in both nations. Beyond merely advancing UFSM’s integration into the global academic arena, this initiative will also unlock myriad opportunities for students and faculty members, equipping them with additional tools and avenues to foster academic, scientific, and business connections with a nation that holds a pivotal position in global geopolitics. 

It is also worth emphasizing that the entire Santa Maria community stands to benefit from this project. While the classes are initially targeted at the academic community of UFSM, the eventual goal, once operations are firmly established, is to extend these offerings to the general public as well. 

Start of Classes 

Classes at the Chinese Smart Classroom will be available both online and in-person, although specific details regarding the academic schedule, including dates and times, are not yet finalized. Planning for these activities is anticipated to commence in the second semester of this year, and further information will be extensively communicated through official UFSM channels in the upcoming months. 

Inauguration Ceremony 

The inauguration ceremony was held at the Pércio Reis auditorium, located in the Technology Center (CT). It commenced with a captivating performance of the dance “Playing Carimbó” by the UFSM extension project “Mojubá: Brazilian Popular Dances”. Following this, the Department of Gaucho Traditions (DTG) at UFSM delighted the audience with a display of regional culture through traditional Gaucho dances. Professor Xie Jinyu then showcased a piece of Chinese culture with an ancient form of Chinese dance known as the “Dance of the Fans”, while Professor Guó Jiayi performed the song “Singing in the Rain of Yangzhou” on the flute. 

During the opening of the official panel, which included Brazilian and Chinese authorities, Prof. Paulo Bayard Dias Gonçalves, the director of the International Affairs Office (SAI) at UFSM, expressed gratitude to all who contributed to the realization of the project. He underscored the significance of the moment in strengthening educational and cultural relations between the two countries, stating, “Today, we are inaugurating a relationship that goes far beyond CLEC, encompassing interaction in science, technology, and innovation between Brazil and China”. Prof. Paulo Bayard also highlighted that the establishment of the Smart Classroom represents the culmination of a partnership that has spanned several years and various areas, from language teaching to technological development driven by collaborations with Chinese companies. 

Prof. Qiao Jianzhen, representing China and serving as a professor at Hebei Normal University and Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), expressed gratitude for the support and acknowledged the growing cooperation between the two countries. “The inauguration ceremony of the Smart Classroom is the result of the efforts of the entire UFSM community, Hebei Normal University, and CLEC in supporting Mandarin teaching. With the new classroom, we hope to have more opportunities to expand Chinese culture,” she stated. Prof. Qiao also emphasized that, especially in the post-pandemic period, it has become evident that the world needs to use language as a bridge to promote understanding and communication between different peoples. 

Prof. Gil Negreiros, Director of the Arts and Languages Center (CAL), emphasized the numerous challenges universities face in transcending national and regional boundaries. He also highlighted that CAL is committed to collaborating with other languages and sees the Smart Classroom project as a significant catalyst for future initiatives aimed at teaching languages to both the academic and Santa Maria communities. 

Prof. Liu Jingze, president of Hebei Normal University, participated via video conference from China, expressing that the inauguration of the Chinese Smart Classroom at UFSM holds significant importance for the international promotion of the Chinese language and culture. He expressed hope for increased exchanges and cooperation in Chinese language education across more cities in the future, providing Brazilian students with greater opportunities to study and engage with China. 

The director of the Division of North American and Oceanian Affairs (DAOA) at CLEC, Prof. Yuan Li, emphasized the significance of this year being the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. “I believe that the Smart Classroom will be a new model for Chinese language education in Brazil. It is an interesting place for young people to learn about Chinese culture, and it facilitates interaction between the two countries”, commented the director. 

Finally, Luciano Schuch, president of UFSM, underscored the university’s commitment to achieving global excellence. “The global shift happening in the world today, which is turning towards China, is important for us to understand this ancient culture and to strengthen our partnerships”, highlighted the president. He expressed optimism that the Smart Classroom would catalyze enhanced intercultural interaction and learning opportunities. 

After the speeches, the audience had the chance to tour the new Smart Classroom. The occasion was also marked by a coffee break and a performance by saxophonist Hudson Garcia. 

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