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Open Registration for the Portuguese Proficiency Exam for Foreigners 

The deadline to apply is March 1 

The Organizing Committee of the Celpe-Bras Exam at UFSM has announced the opening of registrations for the 2024 Portuguese Proficiency Exam for Foreigners. Those interested should access the call for applications on the UFSM website and complete the registration on the Celpe-Bras website by March 1. The registration fee is R$200.00 and must be paid by March 6. The proof of payment should be sent to, an e-mail address that can also be contacted for any questions. The exam is scheduled to take place in April, probably between 23 and 26. 


Celpe-Bras – The Portuguese Language Proficiency Exam for Foreigners – is administered at 127 centers in Brazil and abroad. Its objective is to officially certify proficiency in the Portuguese language. INEP is responsible for administering the exam, with support from the Ministry of Education and in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The exam is conducted at accredited Exam Centers, typically higher education institutions, diplomatic representations, consular missions, Brazilian and foreign cultural centers and institutes, and other institutions interested in promoting and disseminating the Portuguese language. 

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