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UFSM hosts an international initiative for monitoring the ozone layer and solar radiation 

The Iber-American campaign has the collaboration from the State Meteorological Agency of Spain and the World Meteorological Organization   

The activities for a highly significant international event hosted by UFSM at the Southern Regional Center of Spatial Research (INPE) building will occur from February 19 to March 08. It is the first Iber-American Campaign of Calibration and Intercomparison of Instruments for Measuring the Total Ozone and Ultraviolet Solar Radiation, in collaboration with the State Meteorological Agency of Spain (AEMET) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).  

UFSM will host more than 20 experts and instrument operators from various Iber-American countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Ecuador during the event. The primary focus of these professionals will be to update and calibrate the tools used for measuring the ozone and ultraviolet solar radiation, essential activities for monitoring the health of the ozone layer, and the levels of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. 

The campaign will be divided into three stages: the first week dedicated to updating the instrumentation, the second for a course for operators offered by AEMET and the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), and the last week for carrying out the calibration. The calibrated instruments will be integrated into the Eubrewnet network.  

One of the highlights of this campaign is integrating the results into the Eubrewnet network, an initiative developed by AEMET that enables real-time monitoring of the ozone layer and ultraviolet radiation levels worldwide. In this context, UFSM consolidates its position as a reference in atmospheric research and strengthens cooperation ties among Iber-American countries in environmental and scientific issues of global relevance. 

Information from the Communication Unit of the Technology Center    

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