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UFSM’s Admission to the Tordesillas Group was Approved by the General Assembly 

Admission grants access to funding scholarships from the Carolina Foundation  

Between November 5 and 7, the President of UFSM, Prof. Luciano Schuch, participated in the XXII Meeting of Presidents of the Tordesillas Group. The edition, held at the headquarters of UnB (University of Brasília), had representatives from the 55 member universities and addressed the theme: ‘The role of the university in socio-economic development.’ During the meeting, in addition to giving a lecture on the central theme of the edition, the President also presented UFSM to the General Assembly, which approved the institution’s entry into the group. 

The Tordesillas Group is a network of Ibero-American universities that seeks to promote academic and scientific cooperation among Portuguese, Spanish, and Brazilian institutions. In addition to enabling the expansion and strengthening of UFSM’s international collaboration, admission allows the academic community to access opportunities facilitated by the group, especially scholarships offered by the Carolina Foundation. 

For Prof. Júlio César Cossio Rodriguez, Advisor to the President’s Office at SAI, responsible for conducting the negotiations, ‘joining the Tordesillas Group and the Fundación Carolina is the achievement of a long-standing institutional demand, precisely because of the diversity of opportunities offered within these organizations, which encompass different spheres of the institution’s academic community.’ 

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