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Palestras 2014

ICP-Mass Spectrometry: a powerful and flexible tool in medicine.

Prof. Dr. Frank Vanhaecke
Senior Full Professor 
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Ghent University, Belgium. 
Chair of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.

Local: Auditório Multiweb (Prédio 67), ao lado da FATEC 
Hora e Data: às 15:15 h, segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2014


Inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) couples impressive limits of detection (LoDs) and a wide linear dynamic range with multi-element capabilities and is therefore often deployed for (ultra-)trace element analysis of biological fluids and tissues. Novel approaches, such as the use of tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS), provide even more powerful means to overcome spectral interferences and thus, enable straightforward determination of elements that previously were hardly accessible, such as Ti in blood serum, measured to detect wear of prostheses in an early phase. New guidelines concerning elemental impurity limit concentrations in pharmaceutical substances are currently being adopted by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), such that ICP-MS is also gaining ground in the pharmaceutical industry.


New Synthetic Routes toward Robust and Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks

Prof. Dr. Hong-Cai Zhou
Professor, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 

Local: Anfiteatro C
Data: segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2014
Horas: 14h30


The field of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs, or porous coordination polymers, a. k. a. PCPs) is built upon three pillars: cluster chemistry, organic synthesis, and X-ray crystallography. Robust MOFs with high porosity are needed for applications such as gas storage, separation, and catalysis. In the late 1990s, MOFs with high porosity were commonly made from commercially available ligands such as benzene dicarboxylate (bdc) and benzene tricarboxylate (btc) in a one-pot solvothermal reaction. Though straightforward, the scope of this synthetic method is limited and MOFs with desirable porosity, stability, and functionality for applications are difficult to obtain. Our research is focused on the discovery of new synthetic methods to access MOFs that can perform unique chemical transformations and exhibit desired properties for clean-energy-related applications. Under this main theme, strategies such as construction of MOFs with desired porosity and functionality through ligand design, building MOFs one cavity at a time, metal-ligand-fragment co-assembly, MOF surface engineering, framework as a template for MOF preparation, post-synthetic metathesis and oxidation (Fig. 1),1 and the preparation of MOFs through symmetry-guided design,2 have been developed. In the presentation, I will focus on the most recently developed MOF synthetic methods in our laboratory, especially those related to the three pillars of MOFs.


1. Liu, T.-F.; Zou, L.; Feng, D.; Chen, Y.-P.; Fordham, S.; Wang, X.; Liu, Y.; Zhou, H.-C., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014,136, 7813-7816.

2. Zhang, M.; Chen, Y.-P.; Bosch, M.; Gentle, T.; Wang, K.; Feng, D.; Wang, Z. U.; Zhou, H.-C., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 815-818.

Mais informações: Prof. Robert A. Burrow (


Free Radicals and the Link between Art, Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease

Prof. Dr. Carl H. Schiesser
Professor, School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne, Australia

Local: Anfiteatro C
Data: segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2014
Horas: 14h00

O Prof. Schiesser lidera uma equipe de pesquisadores que estão trabalhando atualmente no desenvolvimento de novos produtos farmacêuticos para o combate aos efeitos degenerativos dos radicais livres, o desenvolvimento de novos reagentes para a detecção de radicais livres e o entendimento da função exercida pelos radicais livres na deterioração de acervos culturais e obras de arte.  

What do art, the common cold, hypertension and cardiovascular disease have in common? Free radicals affect each of these in similar ways. For example, nasal mucus is a response to bacterial infection in humans and the green colour is largely associated with the enzyme myeloperoxidase. The principal func-tion of this enzyme is to create bleach in vivo through a free radical cascade with the ultimate aim of killing bacteria. In another example, damage to cultur-ally significant objects such as outdoor monuments and frescos can be caused by the growth of biofilms and the subsequent production of harmful metabo-lites. In model organisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, these events have been found to be linked with oxidative and nitrosative stress, and free radi-cals, in particular nitric oxide. This presentation will discuss the connection between free radicals and their impact in areas that range from art through to medicine. Through a sound knowledge of the chemistry of biology is is possible to design molecules that take advantage of free radicals in order to improve health outcomes as well and provide improved conservation options for important cultural heritage.


Free Radicals and the Link between Art, Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease

Prof. Dr. Daniel García Rivera
Center for Natural Products Study, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Havana, Cuba.

Local: Anfiteatro C
Data: segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2014
Horas: 14h00

O Prof. Daniel Garcia Rivera é Chefe do Laboratório de Síntese Bioorgânica e Vice-diretor do Cento para Pesquisa em Produtos Naturais na Universidade da Havana, Cuba. Ele foi prestigiado com o Melhor Pesquisador Jovem da Sociedade Cubana de Química em 2011 e o Melhor Pesquisador Jovem da Academia de Ciências da Cuba na área de Ciências de Vida e Exatas em 2010.  

Can modern synthetic chemistry approach such structures with a different assembly concept? The answer for this is Multicomponent
Reactions: one-pot pro-cesses wherein three or more substrates react to assemble a molecule containing structural fragments from all
the different starting materials. This lecture pro-vides an insightful perspective of the development of multicomponent approaches for
the ligation of dissimilar natural product fragments, thus leading to unique hybrid compounds in one step. Examples of the syntheses
of lipopeptide, glycolipid, bis-steroid and saponin analogs will be shown, along with the latest entries to the one-pot synthesis of hybrid

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