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Palestras 2012

Metallomics Approaches – Powerful Methods for State of the Art Clinical, Biomedical and Environmental Research

Prof. Josech Caruso
Distinguished Research Professor of Chemistry
University of Cincinnati, USA

Local: Auditório FATEC, Prédio 67  
Data: segunda-feira, 03 de dezembro de 2012
Horas: 13h30 min


      Metallomics studies extend to various trace metal species and their interactions with each other in animals or plants. In our labs the metallomics approaches involve combinations of chromatography, elemental mass spectrometry and molecular mass spectrometry.

      In this presentation, the metallomics approach allows us to study up or down regulation of zinc metalloproteins as we develop a viable model to explain how zinc assists the macrophage (activated white blood cell) in eliminating a lung pathogen – Histoplasma capsulatum, Hc. We utilize LC-ICPMS in tandem with ESIMS to search the Zn proteome in the macrophage and in Hc. Macrophages and their importance to human life as ‘pathogen sensors’ play important roles in the initiation of inflammatory responses, elimination of pathogens, and manipulation of the adaptive immune response; these are well known. Not as well known are the effects of metal ions, metal species and metalloproteins on the ability of particular macrophages to do their critical work.

      Although arsenic toxicity is well known, little is known about how its effects are exerted at the proteome level. Protein phosphorylation is an important post-translational modification involved in the regulation of cell signaling. In this study we identify phosphorylation in arsenic toxified cells with and without the presence of selenium – a well known as an arsenic antagonist. We find these identifications are markedly different between As toxification only or when in the presence of SeMet. For the latter we see major enhancements for cell health. Further, we see that cytotoxicity, in the presence of SeMet, is reduced, as are reactive oxygen species, ROS.

 Contato : Prof. Érico M. M. Flores  – 55 3220 8475


Palestra – Dr. Heidi Goenaga Infante

Elemental and molecular MS: the best combination to study the fate of metallodrugs in disease models?

Dr. Heidi Goenaga Infante
Principal Scientist and Team Leader — Inorganic Analysis 
LGC Limited, Queens Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11, OLY, United Kingdom

Local: Auditório da FATEC – Prédio 67 
Data: segunda-feira, 03 de dezembro de 2012
Horas: 14h30 min 


 Many of the growing number of metal-based drugs being tested or in use are metabolically active. Clarification of the biochemical forms and physiological functions of metallodrugs in the treatment of disease will be facilitated greatly by the provision of accurate measurement methods for traceable quantification and identification of ultra-trace levels of metal (loid)-containing biomolecules in biological materials. The combined application of elemental and molecular mass spectrometry with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been proven to be a very valuable tool in terms of quantitative measurement and identification of both the drugs and their metabolites in disease models. 

This lecture will discuss the main features and drawbacks of the combined use of elemental and molecular MS with on-line or off-line coupling to separation techniques by using ‘Selenium and Cancer’ as an example. Challenges in the analysis of selenium species at low parts-per-billion levels in micro-samples and complex matrices will be highlighted and examples of the potential of using improved sample preparation techniques, micro-flow LC, advanced interfacing of HPLC with ICP-MS and the parallel combination of ICP-MS with ESI MS/MS to overcome such challenges will be given. Moreover, quality control aspects of speciation measurements and expected future analytical developments on the selenium speciation field will also be discussed. Finally, discussions will also address how the outputs of our research work will be transferred directly for use in relevant clinical trials to measure cancer improvement in response to selenium drugs.

Contato: Prof. Érico M. M. Flores  – 55 3220 9445


Palestra – Prof. Dr. Ulrich Abram

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Abram
Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Local: Auditório do Química (Sala 2026), Prédio 18   
Data: quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2012
Horas: 16:30 h 


The metastable technetium nuclide 99mTc is the workhorse in nuclearmedical routine diagnostics, while the radioactive rhenium isotopes 186Re and 188Re are promising candidates for cancer therapy. The development of novel pharmaceuticals on the basis of these nuclides requires exact knowledge of the coordination chemistry of the corresponding elements. Advanced organic synthesis for ligand designing, organometallic and coordination chemistry for the synthesis of the metal complexes, radiochemistry for treatment of the radioactive compounds and biochemistry for organ targeting are puzzle tiles in this field of applied chemistry and their respective contributions will be discussed during the presentation.

The seminar talk summarizes modern trends of nuclearmedical research strategies and gives an overview about the research which is currently done in the Radiochemistry group of Freie Universität Berlin. This includes the synthesis of novel organometallic compounds with N-heterocyclic carbenes and aryl ligands as well as strategies for the labeling of macromolecules such as peptides or proteins.

Contato: Prof. Erneso S. Lang  – 55 3220 8980


Síntese da estrutura proposta à cromona tricíclica angular aspergillitine e sua relação com o alcalóide TMC-120B

Prof. Enrique Leandro Larghi
Universidade Nacional de Rosario e Instituto de Química Rosario – CONICET, Rosario, Argentina

Local: Auditório de Química (Sala 2026, Prédio 18)
Data: quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2012
Horas: 16:00

Contato local: Prof. Ademir Morel (DQ/UFSM) 


The interaction of OH radicals with metal electrodes: implications for electrochemistry and surface science

Prof. Ulrich Hasse
Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald, Alemanha

Local: Auditório de Química (Sala 2026, Prédio 18)
Data: Segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2012
Horas: 14:00


Gold is used for various purposes because of its resistance to oxidation and its electrical, magnetic, optical, and other physical properties. Gold is one of the most important materials in the electronics industry, for optics, and in electrochemistry as an electrode material. The surface smoothness and cleanness of gold is of utmost importance, in particular for optical and electrochemical applications. For surface cleaning and smoothing of gold, a number of physical, chemical, and electrochemical methods have been reported however, a tool for dissolving only the asperities on a gold surface has not been reported to date. Metallic gold is widely used in medicine as implant material. Such gold implants release gold into the adjacent tissue and it was hypothesized that the release occurs by an immune reaction by oxidation The treatment of Au, Pd, Ag and Pt electrodes with OH• radicals can be used to get information on the nature of the electrocatalytic sites. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements, various electrochemical techniques, and chemical solution analysis show a more or less effective surface dissolution of these metals upon OH• treatment. The nucleation and growth of platinum on polycrystalline gold was studied by chronoamperometry, cyclic voltammetry, and atomic force microscopy before and after treatment of the gold surface with hydroxyl (OH•) radicals.
Contato local: Prof. Paulo Nascimento (DQ/UFSM)


Algumas considerações sobre ética na pesquisa

Prof. Joaquim de Araújo Nóbrega

Professor Associado IV (DE) do Departamento de Química da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Professor Visitante da Facultad de Farmacia da Universidad de Concepción (Chile), Editor Associado do Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, membro do Conselho Editorial do Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, membro do Conselho Editorial do Microchemical Journal, membro do Conselho Editorial da Talanta e membro titular do Comitê Assessor em Química (CA-QU CNPq).

Local: Auditório de Química (Sala 2026, Prédio 18)
Data: segunda-feira, 30 de junho de 2012
Horas: 13:30 h

Contato local: Prof. Érico Flores (DQ/UFSM)


Controlled synthesis of homo- and block copolymers by radical and ionic methods

Prof. Dr. Andrés Ciolino
Pesquisador Adjunto do Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) no Instituto de Química, Rosario, Argentina e Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química (PLAPIQUI), Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), CONICET, Argentina.

Local: Anfiteatro Lói Berneira (Anexo ao Prédio 18)
Data: segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012
Horas: 15:00 h

Block copolymers constitute a fascinating group of polymeric materials belonging to the “soft matter” family. These materials are
formed by blocks of polymeric chains from different monomers. In most cases, these blocks are thermodynamically incompatible, but the covalent bonds between them impose specific arrangements, generating particular morphologies both in bulk and in solution. Model block copolymers (copolymers with known chemical composition and narrow molar masses distributions) are the key to understand how these morphologies are formed. In this talk, different experimental skills developed to synthesize model block copolymers will be presented, including the conventional and laborious ionic as well as the modern and versatile controlled-radical polymerizations.
Contato local: Prof. Cristiano Giacomelli (DQ/UFSM)


Defect Engineering in Graphene-like Nanostructures: Theory and Experiment

Prof. Humberto Terrones
Visiting Professor
Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University (USA) and Department of Physics, Ceara Federal University (Brazil).

Local: Anfiteatro Lói Berneira (Anexo ao Prédio 18)
Data: segunda-feira, 07 de maio de 2012
Horas: 16:30

The possibility of generating a single layer of graphite, known as graphene, and its fascinating properties has opened a new field targeting on 2-D materials. Therefore, similar to defects in 3-D crystals, different types of defects are present in experimentally fabricated graphene, and these play an important role in its physicochemical properties. In this talk, I will show that by controlling the distribution and type of defect on these hexagonal sp2-hybridized carbon sheets, one can modify their chemical, magnetic, electronic and mechanical properties that could lead to materials with novel applications. A classification of the various types of defects in graphene-like nanostructures is proposed and their properties will be presented based on first principles calculations: metallicity, half-metallicity, semiconductivity and magnetism. These modified properties illustrate some of the different characteristics that might result with controlled defect engineering. The classification of defects includes: a) edge effects of graphene nanoribbons and nanowiggles, b) the role of vacancies, c) the presence of topological defects, d) local changes in curvature, e) extended line of defects, and f) grain boundaries. The role of doping with foreign atoms will also be discussed and analyzed. In addition, the experimental efforts to generate, position and characterize these defects will be discussed. These include chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on metal substrates, in-situ experiments with aberration corrected high-resolution electron microscopy (AC-HRTEM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS). The combined experimental and theoretical approach shown here provides the basics to study defects in other atomic layered materials such as hexagonal boron nitride and metal chalcogenides (MoS2, WS2, etc.). Finally, I will comment upon the challenges ahead and the future prospects of defect engineering in 2-D nanostructures.
Contato local: Prof. Oscar Rodrigues (DQ/UFSM) 

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