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IEEE Student Branch


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Contato: Prédio:07 – CT

Notícias ieeesb
Apresentação IEEE LIVE – Canal CEESP
Por que ser IEEE? Live realizada em conjunto com o canal do CEESP explica Membros do ramo estudantil e de seus capítulos realizaram uma live na plataforma do youtube, onde…
12/06/2020 – 16:24
Student Branch Executive Committee 2020
Marcelo Back de Araujo, Eng. Chair Email | Linkedin He received his Bachelor in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) in 2018. Currently, is doing his master degrees…
01/05/2020 – 14:16
CBA 2020
Register and send your paper!! Another event organized by UFSM in partnership with students from the IEEE UFSM Student Branch. Learn more here.
13/03/2020 – 16:11
SEPOC 2020 Student Challenge
More information here! Saiba mais aqui!  
13/03/2020 – 16:09
SEPOC 2020
The 13th Seminar on Power Electronics and Control will take place in Santa Maria, RS, from 18 to 21 October, 2020. In this year, it is organized by the IEEE…
13/03/2020 – 16:07
Eleições ExCom 2020
O edital de abertura do processo eleitoral para a comissão executiva do Ramo Estudantil pode ser acessado aqui. O edital de abertura do processo eleitoral para a comissão executiva do Capítulo…
05/03/2020 – 16:05


The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE, was established in 1963, and today is the world’s largest association of technical professionals, with more than 421,355 members in more than 160 countries. From these, more than 114,450 are Student members. Its core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity, especially in the areas of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communications, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology and allied disciplines. IEEE is subdivided in 39 societies, each one focused on a specific knowledge area. The Societies provide peer-reviewed publications and conferences, networking and other services, and are locally organized in Chapters. There are 2,116 professional Chapters around the world, 2,806 student branches at colleges and universities in over 100 countries and 1,159 Student Branch Chapters of IEEE technical Societies.
In this context, we at the Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, have established an IEEE Student Branch with the aim of locally promoting research, innovation and dissemination of knowledge in our University and community, helping others to advance in their professional careers and personal lives. A Student Branch allows the formation of multiple Student Chapters of IEEE Societies, bringing together graduate and undergraduate students that share the same technical interests.
The IEEE UFSM Student Branch was established in May 5th, 2016. To be a member of our SB, you only need to be a Student Member of IEEE. And why should you do so? Here are some benefits for IEEE Student Members:

  • Access to cutting-edge technical knowledge, through publications such as IEEE Spectrum Magazine, IEEE Potentials Magazine, dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students and young professionals, and the IEEExplore database, which contains all papers published in IEEE conferences and transactions;
  • Networking opportunities;
  • Special discounts and priority in events such as conferences, seminars and workshops, promoted by our SB and related Chapters, and by IEEE Societies, locally and abroad;
  • Personal development, as IEEE helps the development of a professional identity by improving communication and leadership skills and promoting global connections, both with academic and industrial environments;
  • Awards and competitions.


The Federal University of Santa Maria is situated in the city of Santa Maria, in the central part of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The city is located 290km west from the State Capital, Porto Alegre.

Established in 1961, UFSM is a governmental, regionally oriented University which has as main purpose to perform teaching, research and extension activities. UFSM has as mission professional formation, generating and cultivating science and technology in the interest of regional development and the transmission of universal knowledge. It was the first Federal University established upstate in Brazil.

UFSM offers s large range of undergraduate and graduate programs, and also counts with technical schools which give opportunity for younger students to graduate as technicians in several areas.

With the purpose of maintaining positive communication with its internal community and with the public in general, the University has a Radio and a TV Station and the UFSM Web Portal –

In order to support its central activities, UFSM has a complex administrative infrastructure which includes the Campus Administration Offices, the President’s Office, the University Council and auxiliary departments.

On the main campus you will also find bank agencies and ATM’s, post offices, snack bars, gas stations and other facilities.

Furthermore, the University counts with a School Hospital, a Veterinary School Hospital, Libraries, University Restaurants, a School Pharmacy, a Planetarium, the Gama D’Eça Museum, a Botanic Garden and laboratories in several areas.

Federal University of Santa Maria – Time-lapse by Rafael Beltrame

UFSM Planetarium – Photo by Rafael Beltrame

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