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Lecture – Robotics, Automation and Artificial Intelligence in the workplace

November 23rd – 6:00 PM – Room 355

The fear that machines might steal our jobs is not recent. But are robots really going to take away our livelihood? Have you ever imagined if your boss was a robot? What’s the solution? And what is your part in this? There are really radical transformations already happening that are impacting our daily lifes.

With this in mind, the IEEE-RAS Chapter, together with the IEEE-UFSM Student Branch invites you for a lecture followed by a round table discussion. We are going to analyze and debate facts and concepts about the employment of robots in the workplace.


  • IEEE-RAS UFSM Chapter Introduction;
  • Lecture with PhD Rodrigo da Silva Guerra, chair of IEEE-RAS South Brazil with the title: Robotics, Automation and Artificial Intelligence in the workplace.;
  • Following the lecture, a round table discussion panel with the event participants, producing a document with the discussed points.

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