Os alunos de Iniciação Científica do GEPOC Fabricio E. Cazakevicius, Rodrigo P. Krug e Henrique H. Figueira, sob orientação do prof. Hélio Leães Hey, publicaram o artigo intitulado “Loss and thermal analysis of semiconductor devices applied to an electric circuit simulator” no XI Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência (COBEP 2011) realizado entre os dias 11 e 15 de setembro de 2011 em Natal, RN, Brasil.
Dados do artigo:
- Título: Loss and thermal analysis of semiconductor devices applied to an electric circuit simulator
- Autores: Fabricio E. Cazakevicius, Rodrigo P. Krug, Henrique H. Figueira, Rafael C. Beltrame e Hélio L. Hey
- Abstract:
Due to the lack of a simple tool to analyze the thermal behavior of a static converter, this paper proposes an algorithm to predict the losses (conduction and switching) and the temperature behavior in a semiconductor device. Using this algorithm the heat-sink design can be optimized in order to project a converter with high power density. The methodology which easily extracts the loss and thermal models, without huge computational efforts, is demonstrated. The proposed approach can be used as an educational tool, since it can be easily implemented in a circuit simulation software, assisting students of Power Electronics.
- Paper (IEEE Xplore)
- Simulation Tool