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Conference Attendance 2019

Every year undergraduate and graduate students from the IEEE UFSM Student Branch receive support to participate and to present papers in national and international conferences. Some attended events are presented here.


Between 20 to 23 June , 2019, members of the IAS chapter of the student branch of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) were present at the events: “Regional Student Conferences” and “Young Professionals Congress”, of which occurred in the city of Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, Brazil. Participation in the event took place with the help of costs provided by the Society IAS. In this event, the students Caio Osório, Guilherme Hubner e Augusto Zanin Bertoletti attended.

ECCE and Annual Meeting

Between September 29 and October 3, 2019, members of the IAS chapter of the student branch of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) were present at the events: “IAS Annual Meeting 2019” and “ECCE 2019”, of which occurred in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Participation in the event took place with the help of costs provided by the Society IAS and individual prizes for competitions held by the Society IAS.

SEPOC 2019

Between October 27th and 30th, members of the IAS chapter were present at SEPOC 2019 (12th Seminar on Power Electronics and Control). The event took place in Natal, RN. The students presented over 10 papers during the event, all of them from the Federal University of Santa Maria. Moreover, two of the students, Filipe Scalcon and Caio Osório, received a grant for a travel subsidy from IAS, allowing them to participate in the event.


Between December 1st and 4th, members of the IAS chapter were present at COBEP-SPEC 2019 (5th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC) & 15th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP)). The event took place in Santos, SP. The students presented some papers during the event, all of them from the Federal University of Santa Maria.

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