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Course and Training: Typhoon HIL Hands-on Microgrid

The lecture and hands on training titled “Typhoon HIL Hands-on Microgrid Training” was promoted by the IEEE IAS UFSM Student Chapter in partnership with Typhoon HIL, PPGEE, and the UFSM’s Technology Center. The training was a perfect opportunity to students familiarize themselves with the new possibilities and solutions offered by HIL technology. The training was carried out by MSc. Murilo Almeida, Head of the Microgrids Applications Group at Typhoon HIL. The training was carried out September 19th 2019. The course was also broadcasted live and uploaded to YouTube, allowing future students to learn how to use the software tool.


  • Give students a hands-on experience with Typhoon HIL;
  • Have an expert from the company answering some of the students questions.

Event pictures:

Certificates available at:

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