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New Graduate Student Orientation

The Electrical Engineering Graduate Program of the Federal University of Santa Maria (PPGEE UFSM) promotes the orientation for new graduate students. The students are invited to participate and interact in the event, which marks the resumption of the graduate program activities.

In the event, the IEEE UFSM Student Branch talks about opportunities for professional and personal development.

The event will be on 03/25/2019, Monday, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the Pércio Reis Auditorium, Technology Center 1st floor, with the following schedule:
– PPGEE Presentation
– Pedagogical Program Project
– Course Requirements
– Scholarships
– Internationalization
– Institutional Highlights
– IEEE Student Branch: Opportunities for Professional and Personal Development.
– INCT GD – National Institute of Science in Technology in Distributed Generation of Electric Energy

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