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  • International
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  • Sítios da UFSM
  • Área restrita

Aviso de Conectividade Saber Mais

Início do conteúdo


This event was accomplished with the intention of celebrate IEEE day, which occurred on October 3rd. With the development of a stand located in the reception area at the Center of Technology, was possible display the IEEE society, the Student Branch, the Student Chapters and all our activities.

Objectives: objetivos gerais e/ou específicos do evento/atividade

  1. Celebrate IEEE Day;
  2. Promote the IEEE PES, IAS, WIE and RAS UFSM Chapters;
  3. Explain what the IEEE organization and your activities;
  4. Encourage the association of new members.


Along the IEEE Day activities, the IEEE Student Chapter from UFSM developed an IEEE stand in the reception area of the Center of Technology, place that has a big visibility for students. In this stand were shown some banners from the Student Branch and its Chapters. There, also was offered some flyers from IEEE, explaining what the organization is, how big it is, its influence and the benefits of becoming a member. During two days it was developed alternating hours between members from the Student Branch, guaranteeing always two members on the stand able to explain and answer any question about IEEE. In the end of the activity, it was possible to promote the IEEE organization and the Student Branch and its Chapters in an impactive way.


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