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Adorian, T. J., Mombach, P. I., Fagundes, M. B., Wagner, R., Pianesso, D., Telles, Y. B., Dalcin, M. O., & da Silva, L. P. (2020). Linseed fibers modulate the production of short-chain fatty acids and improve performance and plasma and skin mucus parameters of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 46(6), 2355–2366.

Alessio, K. O., Tischer, B., Voss, M., Teixeira, I. D., Brendler, B. M., Duarte, F. A., Helfer, G. A., Costa, A. B., & Barin, J. S. (2020). Open source, low-cost device for thermometric titration with non-contact temperature measurement. Talanta, 216, 120975.

Alves, L. de L., dos Santos, R. L., Bayer, B. L., Devens, A. L. M., Cichoski, A. J., & Mendonça, C. R. B. (2020). Thermosonication of tangerine juice: Effects on quality characteristics, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant activity. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 44(12), e14914.

Anese, R. de O., Brackmann, A., Thewes, F. R., Schultz, E. E., Ludwig, V., Wendt, L. M., Wagner, R., & Klein, B. (2020). Impact of dynamic controlled atmosphere storage and 1-methylcyclopropene treatment on quality and volatile organic compounds profile of ‘Galaxy’ apple. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 23, 100443.

Anese, R. de O., Thewes, F. R., Brackmann, A., Schultz, E. E., Wagner, R., Klein, B., Berghetti, M. R. P., & Wendt, L. M. (2020). Growth regulators on quality traits and volatile organic compounds profile of ‘Royal Gala’ apple at harvest and after dynamic controlled atmosphere storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 164, 111158.

Baldissera, M. D., Souza, C. F., Barroso, D. C., Falk, R. B., Wagner, R., Baldisserotto, B., & Val, A. L. (2020). Disturbance of oxidant/antioxidant status and impairment on fillet fatty acid profiles in Brycon amazonicus subjected to acute heat stress. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 46(5), 1857–1866.

Baldissera, M. D., Souza, C. F., Barroso, D. C., Pereira, R. S., de Oliveira, F. C., Alessio, K. O., Wagner, R., Bizzi, C. A., Baldisserotto, B., & Val, A. L. (2020). Consequences of oxidative damage on the fatty acid profile in muscle of Cichlasoma amazonarum acutely exposed to copper. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 46(6), 2377–2387.

Baldissera, M. D., Souza, C. F., Parmeggiani, B., Vendrusculo, R. G., Ribeiro, L. C., Muenchen, D. K., Zeppenfeld, C. C., Meinhart, A. D., Wagner, R., Zanella, R., Prestes, O. D., da Silva, A. S., Leipnitz, G., & Baldisserotto, B. (2020). Protective effects of diet containing rutin against trichlorfon-induced muscle bioenergetics disruption and impairment on fatty acid profile of silver catfish Rhamdia quelen. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 205, 111127.

Baldissera, M. D., Souza, C. F., Zeppenfeld, C. C., Velho, M. C., Klein, B., Abbad, L. B., Ourique, A. F., Wagner, R., Da Silva, A. S., & Baldisserotto, B. (2020). Dietary supplementation with nerolidol nanospheres improves growth, antioxidant status and fillet fatty acid profiles in Nile tilapia: Benefits of nanotechnology for fish health and meat quality. Aquaculture, 516, 734635.

Batista, V. S. F., Nunes, G. L., Viegas, G. I., Lucas, B. N., Bochi, V. C., Emanuelli, T., Barin, J. S., de Menezes, C. R., & da Rosa, C. S. (2020). Extraction, characterization and microencapsulation of isoflavones from soybean molasses. Ciencia Rural, 50(3), 2020.

Bazana, M. T., Missel, M. V., Deus, C. de, Pinto, V. S., Codevilla, C. F., Santos, R. C. V., Silva, C. de B. da, & Menezes, C. R. de. (2020). ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIBIOFILM ACTIVITY OF PHYSALIS PERUVIANA CALYX EXTRACT / ATIVIDADE ANTIBACTERIANA E ANTIBIOFILME DO EXTRATO DO CÁLICE DE PHYSALIS PERUVIANA. Brazilian Journal of Development, 6(10), 77422–77432.

Bender, A. B. B., Speroni, C. S., Moro, K. I. B., Morisso, F. D. P., dos Santos, D. R., da Silva, L. P., & Penna, N. G. (2020). Effects of micronization on dietary fiber composition, physicochemical properties, phenolic compounds, and antioxidant capacity of grape pomace and its dietary fiber concentrate. LWT, 117, 108652.

Beni, A. A., Rodrigues, R. F., Conte, L., Costa, I. F., Delalibera, É. A., Roehrs, M., Rampelotto, C., Emanuelli, T., & Somacal, S. (2020). Dietary supplementation with annatto food-coloring extracts increases the resistance of human erythrocytes to hemolysis. Nutrition Research, 76, 71–81.

Bittencourt Fagundes, M., Ballus, C. A., Perceval Soares, V., de Freitas Ferreira, D., Sena Vaz Leães, Y., Sasso Robalo, S., Guidetti Vendruscolo, R., Bastianello Campagnol, P. C., Smanioto Barin, J., Cichoski, A. J., Bevilacqua Marcuzzo, S., Assumpção Bertuol, D., & Wagner, R. (2020). Characterization of olive oil flavored with Brazilian pink pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi) in different maceration processes. Food Research International, 137, 109593.

Boeira, C. P., Piovesan, N., Flores, D. C. B., Soquetta, M. B., Lucas, B. N., Heck, R. T., Alves, J. dos S., Campagnol, P. C. B., dos Santos, D., Flores, E. M. M., da Rosa, C. S., & Terra, N. N. (2020). Phytochemical characterization and antimicrobial activity of Cymbopogon citratus extract for application as natural antioxidant in fresh sausage. Food Chemistry, 319, 126553.

Brasil, C. C. B., de Menezes, C. R., Jacob-Lopes, E., Barin, J. S., Zepka, L. Q., Campagnol, P. C. B., Wagner, R., & Cichoski, A. J. (2020). Combined application of electrolysed water and ultrasound to improve the sanitation of knives in the meat industry. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(3), 1136–1144.

Cavalheiro, C. P., Ruiz-Capillas, C., Herrero, A. M., Jiménez-Colmenero, F., Pintado, T., de Menezes, C. R., & Fries, L. L. M. (2020). Effect of encapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum as probiotic on dry-sausages during chilled storage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(12), 3613–3621.

da Fontoura Prates, D., Duarte, J. H., Vendruscolo, R. G., Wagner, R., Ballus, C. A., da Silva Oliveira, W., Godoy, H. T., Barcia, M. T., de Morais, M. G., Radmann, E. M., & Costa, J. A. V. (2020). Role of light emitting diode (LED) wavelengths on increase of protein productivity and free amino acid profile of Spirulina sp. cultures. Bioresource Technology, 306, 123184.

da Silva, D. T., Rodrigues, R. F., Machado, N. M., Maurer, L. H., Ferreira, L. F., Somacal, S., da Veiga, M. L., Rocha, M. I. de U. M. da, Vizzotto, M., Rodrigues, E., Barcia, M. T., & Emanuelli, T. (2020). Natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES)-based blueberry extracts protect against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats. Food Research International, 138, 109718.

da Silva, J. S., Voss, M., de Menezes, C. R., Barin, J. S., Wagner, R., Campagnol, P. C. B., & Cichoski, A. J. (2020). Is it possible to reduce the cooking time of mortadellas using ultrasound without affecting their oxidative and microbiological quality? Meat Science, 159, 107947.

da Silva Pereira, F. D., Menezes, D. R., Araújo, E. J. B., de Souza Rodrigues, R. T., Andreo, N., Mattos, C. W., de Quadros, C. P., da Costa, C. F., Wagner, R., & Vendruscolo, R. G. (2020). Diets containing cunhã (Clitoria ternatea L.) hay and forage cactus (Opuntia sp.) meal on production and meat quality of Boer crossbred goat. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 52(5), 2707–2713.

da Silva, S. L., Lorenzo, J. M., Machado, J. M., Manfio, M., Cichoski, A. J., Fries, L. L. M., Morgano, M. A., & Campagnol, P. C. B. (2020). Application of arginine and histidine to improve the technological and sensory properties of low-fat and low-sodium bologna-type sausages produced with high levels of KCl. Meat Science, 159, 107939.

de Araújo Etchepare, M., Nunes, G. L., Nicoloso, B. R., Barin, J. S., Moraes Flores, E. M., de Oliveira Mello, R., & Ragagnin de Menezes, C. (2020). Improvement of the viability of encapsulated probiotics using whey proteins. LWT, 117, 108601.

de Lima Alves, L., Donadel, J. Z., Athayde, D. R., da Silva, M. S., Klein, B., Fagundes, M. B., de Menezes, C. R., Barin, J. S., Campagnol, P. C. B., Wagner, R., & Cichoski, A. J. (2020). Effect of ultrasound on proteolysis and the formation of volatile compounds in dry fermented sausages. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 67, 105161.

Deprá, M. C., Dias, R. R., Severo, I. A., de Menezes, C. R., Zepka, L. Q., & Jacob-Lopes, E. (2020). Carbon dioxide capture and use in photobioreactors: The role of the carbon dioxide loads in the carbon footprint. Bioresource Technology, 314, 123745.

Deprá, M. C., Severo, I. A., dos Santos, A. M., Zepka, L. Q., & Jacob-Lopes, E. (2020). Environmental impacts on commercial microalgae-based products: Sustainability metrics and indicators. Algal Research, 51, 102056.

Dias, R. R., Lasta, P., Vendruscolo, R. G., Wagner, R., Zepka, L. Q., & Jacob-Lopes, E. (2021). Mapping the performance of photobioreactors for microalgae cultivation. Part II: equatorial and tropical climate zone. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 96(3), 613–621.

do Nascimento, Tatiele C., Nass, P. P., Fernandes, A. S., Vieira, K. R., Wagner, R., Jacob-Lopes, E., & Zepka, L. Q. (2020). Exploratory data of the microalgae compounds for food purposes. Data in Brief, 29, 105182.

do Nascimento, Tatiele Casagrande, Cazarin, C. B. B., Maróstica, M. R., Mercadante, A. Z., Jacob-Lopes, E., & Zepka, L. Q. (2020). Microalgae carotenoids intake: Influence on cholesterol levels, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes. Food Research International, 128, 108770.

dos Santos da Silva, M., Alves-Santos, A. M., dos Santos, I. D., Wagner, R., Naves, M. M. V., & Cordeiro, M. W. S. (2020). A new population of pequi (Caryocar spp.) developed by Brazilian indigenous people has agro-industrial and nutraceutical advantages. European Food Research and Technology, 246(9), 1715–1724.

Fagundes, M. B., Alvarez-Rivera, G., Vendruscolo, R. G., Voss, M., da Silva, P. A., Barin, J. S., Jacob-Lopes, E., Zepka, L. Q., & Wagner, R. (2021). Green microsaponification-based method for gas chromatography determination of sterol and squalene in cyanobacterial biomass. Talanta, 224, 121793.

Favaretto, J. A., Alba, D. F., Marchiori, M. S., Marcon, H. J., Souza, C. F., Baldissera, M. D., Bianchi, A. E., Zanluchi, M., Klein, B., Wagner, R., Vedovatto, M., & Da Silva, A. S. (2020). Supplementation with a blend based on micro-encapsulated carvacrol, thymol, and cinnamaldehyde in lambs feed inhibits immune cells and improves growth performance. Livestock Science, 240, 104144.

Fernandes, A. S., Petry, F. C., Mercadante, A. Z., Jacob-Lopes, E., & Zepka, L. Q. (2020). HPLC-PDA-MS/MS as a strategy to characterize and quantify natural pigments from microalgae. Current Research in Food Science, 3, 100–112.

Ferreira, D. F., Lucas, B. N., Voss, M., Santos, D., Mello, P. A., Wagner, R., Cravotto, G., & Barin, J. S. (2020). Solvent-free simultaneous extraction of volatile and non-volatile antioxidants from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) by microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity. Industrial Crops and Products, 145, 112094.

Ferreira, D. F., Tischer, B., Cichoski, A. J., Menezes, C. R., Wagner, R., Costa, A. B., & Barin, J. S. (2020). Thermal infrared enthalpimetry in paper microzone plates for green and high throughput determination of wine acidities. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 31(2), 421–428.

Ferreira, L. F., Minuzzi, N. M., Rodrigues, R. F., Pauletto, R., Rodrigues, E., Emanuelli, T., & Bochi, V. C. (2020). Citric acid water-based solution for blueberry bagasse anthocyanins recovery: Optimization and comparisons with microwave-assisted extraction (MAE). LWT, 133, 110064.

Flores, D. R. M., da Fonseca, P. A. F., Schmitt, J., Tonetto, C. J., Junior, A. G. R., Hammerschmitt, R. K., Facco, D. B., Brunetto, G., & Nörnberg, J. L. (2020). Lambs fed with increasing levels of grape pomace silage: Effects on productive performance, carcass characteristics, and blood parameters. Livestock Science, 240, 104169.

Fortuoso, B. F., Galli, G. M., De Oliveira, R. C., Souza, C. F., Baldissera, M. D., Vendruscolo, R. G., Wagner, R., Alba, D. F., Boiago, M. M., & Da Silva, A. S. (2020). Effects of soybean oil replacement by açai oil in laying hen diets on fatty acid profile and egg quality. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 263, 114452.

Franzen, F. de L., Oliveira, M. S. R., Menegaes, J. F., Gusso, A. P., Silva, M. N., & Richards, N. S. P. dos S. (2020). Physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of jellies made with rose and hibiscus flowers. Brazilian Journal of Development, 6(3), 14828–14845.

Fruet, A. P. B., Giotto, F. M., Fonseca, M. A., Nörnberg, J. L., & De Mello, A. S. (2020). Effects of the incorporation of tannin extract from quebracho Colorado wood on color parameters, lipid oxidation, and sensory attributes of beef patties. Foods, 9(5).

Girardelo, J. R., Munari, E. L., Dallorsoleta, J. C. S., Cechinel, G., Goetten, A. L. F., Sales, L. R., Reginatto, F. H., Chaves, V. C., Smaniotto, F. A., Somacal, S., Emanuelli, T., Benech, J. C., Soldi, C., Winter, E., & Conterato, G. M. M. (2020). Bioactive compounds, antioxidant capacity and antitumoral activity of ethanolic extracts from fruits and seeds of Eugenia involucrata DC. Food Research International, 137, 109615.

Gonçalves Lemos, J., Stefanello, A., Olivier Bernardi, A., Valle Garcia, M., Nicoloso Magrini, L., Cichoski, A. J., Wagner, R., & Venturini Copetti, M. (2020). Antifungal efficacy of sanitizers and electrolyzed waters against toxigenic Aspergillus. Food Research International, 137.

Heck, R. T., Ferreira, D. F., Fagundes, M. B., Santos, B. A. Dos, Cichoski, A. J., Saldaña, E., Lorenzo, J. M., de Menezes, C. R., Wagner, R., Barin, J. S., & Campagnol, P. C. B. (2020). Jabuticaba peel extract obtained by microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity extraction: A green strategy to improve the oxidative and sensory stability of beef burgers produced with healthier oils. Meat Science, 170, 108230.

Jacob-Lopes, E., Santos, A. B., Severo, I. A., Deprá, M. C., Maroneze, M. M., & Zepka, L. Q. (2020). Dual production of bioenergy in heterotrophic cultures of cyanobacteria: Process performance, carbon balance, biofuel quality and sustainability metrics. Biomass and Bioenergy, 142, 105756.

Jamar, G., Santamarina, A. B., Casagrande, B. P., Estadella, D., de Rosso, V. V., Wagner, R., Fagundes, M. B., & Pisani, L. P. (2020). Prebiotic potencial of juçara berry on changes in gut bacteria and acetate of individuals with obesity. European Journal of Nutrition, 59(8), 3767–3778.

Jamila dos Santos, A., Confortin, T. C., Todero, I., Rodrigues, A. S., Ribeiro, S. R., Sasso, S. R., Canabarro, N. I., Wagner, R., Cichoski, A. J., Mazutti, M. A., & da Rosa, C. S. (2020). Use of compressed fluids in the recovery of pecan nut cake oil: Influence of extraction conditions on yield and extract quality. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 161, 104820.

Klein, B., Falk, R. B., Thewes, F. R., Anese, R. de O., Santos, I. D. dos, Ribeiro, S. R., Donadel, J. Z., Brackmann, A., Barin, J. S., Cichoski, A. J., & Wagner, R. (2020). Dynamic controlled atmosphere: Effects on the chemical composition of cuticular wax of ‘Cripps Pink’ apples after long-term storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 164, 111170.

Lizandra, M., Leal, R., Rodrigues Aires, A., Collet, S. G., Milani, M. P., Grando, T. H., Zeni, D., Costabeber, F., Medeiros Rodrigues, C., Bondan, C., & Nörnberg, J. L. (2020). Protected niacin and chromium-enriched yeast effect in dairy cows under heat stress: behavioral parameters. Agrarian Academic Journal, 4.

Machado, E. da R., Fortes, J. P., Franco, F. W., Souza, R. R. M. de, & Sautter, C. K. (2020). COMPOSIÇÃO FENÓLICA E SENSORIAL DE CERVEJAS ARTESANAIS COM ADIÇÃO DE NIBS DE CACAU. Brazilian Journal of Development, 6(7), 54125–54135.

Machado, V. S., Camponogara, C., Oliveira, S. M., Baldissera, M. D., Sagrillo, M. R., Gundel, S. da S., DA SILVA, A. P. T., Ourique, A. F., Klein, B., Wagner, R., Santos, R. C. V., & DA SILVA, A. S. (2020). Topical hydrogel containing achyrocline satureioides oily extract (Free and nanocapsule) has anti-inflammatory effects and thereby minimizes irritant contact dermatitis. Anais Da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 92(4), 1–14.

Maroneze, M. M., Caballero-Guerrero, B., Zepka, L. Q., Jacob-Lopes, E., Pérez-Gálvez, A., & Roca, M. (2020). Accomplished High-Resolution Metabolomic and Molecular Studies Identify New Carotenoid Biosynthetic Reactions in Cyanobacteria. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68(22), 6212–6220.

Martins Flores, D. R., Patrícia da Fonseca, A. F., Schmitt, J., José Tonetto, C., Rosado Junior, A. G., Hammerschmitt, R. K., Facco, D. B., Brunetto, G., & Nörnberg, J. L. (2021). Lambs fed with increasing levels of grape pomace silage: Effects on meat quality. Small Ruminant Research, 195, 106234.

Maurer, Luana H., Cazarin, C. B. B., Quatrin, A., Minuzzi, N. M., Nichelle, S. M., Lamas, C. de A., Cagnon, V. H. A., Morari, J., Velloso, L. A., Maróstica Júnior, M. R., & Emanuelli, T. (2020). Grape peel powder attenuates the inflammatory and oxidative response of experimental colitis in rats by modulating the NF-κB pathway and activity of antioxidant enzymes. Nutrition Research, 76, 52–70.

Maurer, Luana Haselein, Cazarin, C. B. B., Quatrin, A., Nichelle, S. M., Minuzzi, N. M., Teixeira, C. F., Manica da Cruz, I. B., Maróstica Júnior, M. R., & Emanuelli, T. (2020). Dietary fiber and fiber-bound polyphenols of grape peel powder promote GSH recycling and prevent apoptosis in the colon of rats with TNBS-induced colitis. Journal of Functional Foods, 64, 103644.

Meireles dos Santos, A., Costa Deprá, M., Meireles dos Santos, A., José Cichoski, A., Queiroz Zepka, L., & Jacob-Lopes, E. (2020). Sustainability metrics on microalgae-based wastewater treatment system. Desalination and Water Treatment.

Mello, F. K., Freitas, M. L., Souto, N. S., Zorzi, V. N., Moreira, M. P., Neuberger, B., Costa, K. G., Fighera, M. R., Royes, L. F., Furian, A. F., & Oliveira, M. S. (2020). Neuroprotective effects of thromboxane receptor antagonist SQ 29,548 after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus in mice. Epilepsy Research, 160.

Moraes, D. P., Lozano-Sánchez, J., Machado, M. L., Vizzotto, M., Lazzaretti, M., Leyva-Jimenez, F. J. J., da Silveira, T. L., Ries, E. F., & Barcia, M. T. (2020). Characterization of a new blackberry cultivar BRS Xingu: Chemical composition, phenolic compounds, and antioxidant capacity in vitro and in vivo. Food Chemistry, 322, 126783.

Moraes, D. P., Machado, M. L., Farias, C. A. A., Barin, J. S., Zabot, G. L., Lozano-Sánchez, J., Ferreira, D. F., Vizzotto, M., Leyva-Jimenez, F. J., Da Silveira, T. L., Ries, E. F., & Barcia, M. T. (2020). Effect of Microwave Hydrodiffusion and Gravity on the Extraction of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Properties of Blackberries (Rubus spp.): Scale-Up Extraction. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 13(12), 2200–2216.

Morais, C. P., Utpott, M., Flores, S. H., Cesar Tondo, E., Thys, R. C. S., Barin, J. S., Costa, A. B. da, & Tischer, B. (2020). Nutritional, Antioxidant and Sensory Evaluation of Calcium-high Content Cookies Prepared with Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) And Kale (Brassica Oleracea Var. Acephala) Flours. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology.

Oliveira, A. S., Schlesner, S. K., Voss, M., Da Costa, A. Ben, Flores, E. M. M., & Barin, J. S. (2020). Combining In-Tip Reaction and Infrared Thermal Imaging for Fast and Portable Enthalpimetric Analysis. Analytical Chemistry, 92(22), 14959–14966.

Pellegrini, L. G. de, Richards, N. S. P. dos S., Mello, R. de O., Venturini, R. S., & Carvalho, S. (2020). “Physical-chemical properties of meat from confined lambs with different levels of cottonseed in the diet.” REVISTA CIÊNCIA AGRONÔMICA, 51(2), 2020.

Pinton, M. B., dos Santos, B. A., Correa, L. P., Leães, Y. S. V., Cichoski, A. J., Lorenzo, J. M., dos Santos, M., Pollonio, M. A. R., & Campagnol, P. C. B. (2020). Ultrasound and low-levels of NaCl replacers: A successful combination to produce low-phosphate and low-sodium meat emulsions. Meat Science, 170, 108244.

Pivetta, F. P., da SILVA, M. N., Tagliapietra, B. L., & Richards, N. S. D. S. (2020). Addition of green banana biomass as partial substitute for fat and encapsulated lactobacillus acidophilus in requeijão cremoso processed cheese. Food Science and Technology, 40(2), 451–457.

Pozzatti, M., Guerra, C. C., Martins, G., Dos Santos, I. D., Wagner, R., Ferrão, M. F., & Manfroi, V. (2020). Effects of winemaking on “Marselan” red wines: Volatile compounds and sensory aspects. Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, 35(2), 63–75.

Quatrin, A., Rampelotto, C., Pauletto, R., Maurer, L. H., Nichelle, S. M., Klein, B., Rodrigues, R. F., Maróstica Junior, M. R., Fonseca, B. de S., de Menezes, C. R., Mello, R. de O., Rodrigues, E., Bochi, V. C., & Emanuelli, T. (2020). Bioaccessibility and catabolism of phenolic compounds from jaboticaba (Myrciaria trunciflora) fruit peel during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation. Journal of Functional Foods, 65, 103714.

Raddatz, G. C., de Souza da Fonseca, B., Poletto, G., Jacob-Lopes, E., Cichoski, A. J., Muller, E. I., Flores, E. M. M., de Bona da Silva, C., & Ragagnin de Menezes, C. (2020). Influence of the prebiotics hi-maize, inulin and rice bran on the viability of pectin microparticles containing Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 obtained by internal gelation/emulsification. Powder Technology, 362, 409–415.

Raddatz, G. C., Poletto, G., Deus, C. de, Codevilla, C. F., Cichoski, A. J., Jacob-Lopes, E., Muller, E. I., Flores, E. M. M., Esmerino, E. A., & de Menezes, C. R. (2020). Use of prebiotic sources to increase probiotic viability in pectin microparticles obtained by emulsification/internal gelation followed by freeze-drying. Food Research International, 130, 108902.

Reichert, B., Pereira Nunes, M. G., Pizzutti, I. R., Costabeber, I. H., Fontana, M. Z., Jänich, B. D., Panciera, M. P., Arbusti, D., Cardoso, C. D., & Chim, J. F. (2020). Pesticide residues determination in common bean using an optimized QuEChERS approach followed by solvent exchange and GC–MS/MS analysis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(6), 2425–2434.

Reis Ribeiro, S., Klein, B., Machado Ribeiro, Q., Duarte dos Santos, I., Gomes Genro, A. L., de Freitas Ferreira, D., Janner Hamann, J., Smanioto Barin, J., Cichoski, A. J., Fronza, D., Both, V., & Wagner, R. (2020). Chemical composition and oxidative stability of eleven pecan cultivars produced in southern Brazil. Food Research International, 136, 109596.

Ribeiro, S. R., Ribeiro, Q. M., Klein, B., Duarte dos Santos, I., Forgiarini, S., Hamann, J. J., Cichoski, A. J., Fronza, D., Brackmann, A., Both, V., & Wagner, R. (2020). Effect of low oxygen on quality attributes of ‘Barton’ pecan nuts after long-term storage at different temperatures. Scientia Horticulturae, 263, 109098.

Rodrigues, A. S., Kubota, E. H., da Silva, C. G., dos Santos Alves, J., Hautrive, T. P., Rodrigues, G. S., & Campagnol, P. C. B. (2020). Banana inflorescences: A cheap raw material with great potential to be used as a natural antioxidant in meat products. Meat Science, 161, 107991.

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