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Athayde, D. R., Flores, D. R. M., da Silva, J. S., Genro, A. L. G., Silva, M. S., Klein, B., Mello, R., Campagnol, P. C. B., Wagner, R., de Menezes, C. R., Barin, J. S., & Cichoski, A. J. (2017). Application of electrolyzed water for improving pork meat quality. Food Research International, 100, 757–763.

Augusti, P. R., Brasil, A. V. S., Souto, C., Göethel, G., de Oliveira Rios, A., Emanuelli, T., Bürger, M. E., & Garcia, S. C. (2017). Microcystin-LR exposure induces oxidative damage in Caenorhabditis elegans: Protective effect of lutein extracted from marigold flowers. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 109(Pt 1), 60–67.

Backes, A. M., Cavalheiro, C. P., Stefanello, F. S., Lüdtke, F. L., Terra, N. N., & Fries, L. L. M. (2017). Composição química, propriedades microbiológicas e perfil de ácidos graxos de salame tipo Italiano com substituição da gordura animal por óleo de canola emulsionado. Ciencia Rural, 47(8), 8.

Baldissera, M. D., Souza, C. F., Grando, T. H., Cossetin, L. F., Sagrillo, M. R., Nascimento, K., da Silva, A. S., Machado, A. K., da Cruz, I. B. M., Stefani, L. M., Klein, B., Wagner, R., & Monteiro, S. G. (2017). Antihyperglycemic, antioxidant activities of tucumã oil (Astrocaryum vulgare) in alloxan-induced diabetic mice, and identification of fatty acid profile by gas chromatograph: New natural source to treat hyperglycemia. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 270, 51–58.

Bertagnolli, S. M. M., Bernardi, G., Donadel, J., Deoliveirafogaça, A., Wagner, R., & Penna, N. (2017). Espumante natural de goiaba: Caracterização volátil e físico-química. Ciencia Rural, 47(9).

Bianchi, A. E., Da Silva, A. S., Biazus, A. H., Richards, N. S. P. S., Pellegrini, L. G., Baldissera, M. D., Macedo, V. P., & Da Silveira, A. L. F. (2017). Adding palm oil to the diet of sheep alters fatty acids profile on yogurt: Benefits to consumers. Anais Da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 89(3), 2471–2478.

Bizzi, C. A., Pedrotti, M. F., Silva, J. S., Barin, J. S., Nóbrega, J. A., & Flores, E. M. M. (2017). Microwave-assisted digestion methods: Towards greener approaches for plasma-based analytical techniques. In Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (Vol. 32, Issue 8, pp. 1448–1466). Royal Society of Chemistry.

Bizzi, Cezar A., Barin, J. S., Oliveira, J. S. S., Giancarlo, C., & Flores, E. M. M. (2017). Microwave-assisted oxidation of organic matter using diluted HNO3 under O2 pressure: Rationalization of the temperature gradient effect for acid regeneration. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 28(9), 1673–1681.

Bonadiman, B. da S. R., Cadoná, F. C., Assmann, C. E., Weis, G. C. C., de Oliveira Alves, A., Duarte, M. F., Chaves, C. M., do Carmo Chaves, C., dos Santos Motta, K. M., Ribeiro, E. E., Bagatini, M. D., & da Cruz, I. B. M. (2017). Guarana (Paullinia cupana): Cytoprotective effects on age-related eye dysfunction. Journal of Functional Foods, 36, 375–386.

Both, V., Thewes, F. R., Brackmann, A., de Oliveira Anese, R., de Freitas Ferreira, D., & Wagner, R. (2017). Effects of dynamic controlled atmosphere by respiratory quotient on some quality parameters and volatile profile of ‘Royal Gala’ apple after long-term storage. Food Chemistry, 215, 483–492.

Brasil, C. C. B., Barin, J. S., Jacob-Lopes, E., Menezes, C. R., Zepka, L. Q., Wagner, R., Campagnol, P. C. B., & Cichoski, A. J. (2017). Single step non-thermal cleaning/sanitation of knives used in meat industry with ultrasound. Food Research International, 91, 133–139.

Campagnol, P. C. B., dos Santos, B. A., Lorenzo, J. M., & Cichoski, A. J. (2017). A combined approach to decrease the technological and sensory defects caused by fat and sodium reduction in Bologna-type sausages. Food Science and Technology International, 23(6), 471–479.

Cezarotto, V. S., Giacomelli, S. R., Vendruscolo, M. H., Vestena, A. S., Cezarotto, C. S., Da Cruz, R. C., Maurer, L. H., Ferreira, L. M., Emanuelli, T., & Cruz, L. (2017). Influence of harvest season and cultivar on the variation of phenolic compounds composition and antioxidant properties in vaccinium ashei leaves. Molecules, 22(10).

D’avila, L. F., Dias, V. T., Vey, L. T., Milanesi, L. H., Roversi, K., Emanuelli, T., Bürger, M. E., Trevizol, F., & Maurer, H. L. (2017). Toxicological aspects of interesterified fat: Brain damages in rats. Toxicology Letters, 276, 122–128.

Dal Prá, V., Lunelli, F. C., Vendruscolo, R. G., Martins, R., Wagner, R., Lazzaretti, A. P., Freire, D. M. G., Alexandri, M., Koutinas, A., Mazutti, M. A., & da Rosa, M. B. (2017). Ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from palm pressed fiber with high antioxidant and photoprotective activities. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 36, 362–366.

Dalla Nora, F. M., Cruz, S. M., Giesbrecht, C. K., Knapp, G., Wiltsche, H., Bizzi, C. A., Barin, J. S., & Flores, E. M. M. (2017). A new approach for the digestion of diesel oil by microwave-induced combustion and determination of inorganic impurities by ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 32(2), 408–414.

De Godoi, S. N., Quatrin, P. M. I., Sagrillo, M. R., Nascimento, K., Wagner, R., Klein, B., Santos, R. C. V., & Ourique, A. F. (2017). Evaluation of Stability and in Vitro Security of Nanoemulsions Containing Eucalyptus globulus Oil. BioMed Research International, 2017.

de Lima, S. N., de Oliveira, C. C., Castilho, E. A., Damasceno, K. A., de Almeida, P. L., de Oliveira, S. C., & Campagnol, P. C. B. (2017). Effect of Marcela Extract (Achyroclines satureiodes) on the Shelf Life of Minced Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Sausages. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 26(2), 140–147.

De Oliveira Fagundes, D. T., Lorenzo, J. M., Dos Santos, B. A., Fagundes, M. B., Heck, R. T., Cichoski, A. J., Wagner, R., & Campagnol, P. C. B. (2017). Pork skin and canola oil as strategy to confer technological and nutritional advantages to burgers. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 35(4), 352–359.

Domínguez, R., Pateiro, M., Sichetti Munekata, P. E., Bastianello Campagnol, P. C., & Lorenzo, J. M. (2017). Influence of partial pork backfat replacement by fish oil on nutritional and technological properties of liver pâté. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 119(5), 1600178.

dos Santos, Alberto Meireles, Roso, G. R., de Menezes, C. R., Queiroz, M. I., Zepka, L. Q., & Jacob-Lopes, E. (2017). The bioeconomy of microalgal heterotrophic bioreactors applied to agroindustrial wastewater treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment, 64, 12–20.

dos Santos, Aline Meireles, Vieira, K. R., Sartori, R. B., dos Santos, A. M., Queiroz, M. I., Zepka, L. Q., & Jacob-Lopes, E. (2017). Heterotrophic cultivation of cyanobacteria: Study of effect of exogenous sources of organic carbon, absolute amount of nutrients, and stirring speed on biomass and lipid productivity. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 5(FEB).

dos Santos Alves, L. A. A., Lorenzo, J. M., Gonçalves, C. A. A., dos Santos, B. A., Heck, R. T., Cichoski, A. J., & Campagnol, P. C. B. (2017). Impact of lysine and liquid smoke as flavor enhancers on the quality of low-fat Bologna-type sausages with 50% replacement of NaCl by KCl. Meat Science, 123, 50–56.

dos Santos, B. A., Campagnol, P. C. B., Fagundes, M. B., Wagner, R., & Pollonio, M. A. R. (2017). Adding blends of NaCl, KCl, and CaCl2 to low-sodium dry fermented sausages: Effects on lipid oxidation on curing process and shelf life. Journal of Food Quality, 2017.

Ferrão, T. S., Tischer, B., Menezes, M. F. S. C., Hecktheuer, L. H. R., Menezes, C. R., Barin, J. S., Michels, L., & Wagner, R. (2017). Effect of microwave and hot air drying on the physicochemical characteristics and quality of jelly palm pulp. Food Science and Technology Research, 23(6), 835–843.

Ferreira, D. de F., Nora, F. M. D., Lucas, B. N., de Menezes, C. R., Cichoski, A. J., Giacomelli, S. R., Wagner, R., & Barin, J. S. (2017). Introdução de oxigênio durante a extração e aumento da atividade antioxidante de óleos essenciais de manjericão, limão e capim-limão. Ciencia Rural, 47(8).


Flores, D. R. M., Athayde, D. R., Silva, M. S., Silva, J. S., Genro, A. L. G., Cichoski, A. J., Barin, J. S., Wagner, R., Terra, N. N., & Menezes, C. R. (2017). The use of ultrasound and slightly acidic electrolyzed water as alternative technologies in the meat industry. In Food Research (Vol. 1, Issue 5, pp. 140–146). Rynnye Lyan Resources.

Heck, R. T., Vendruscolo, R. G., de Araújo Etchepare, M., Cichoski, A. J., de Menezes, C. R., Barin, J. S., Lorenzo, J. M., Wagner, R., & Campagnol, P. C. B. (2017). Is it possible to produce a low-fat burger with a healthy n − 6/n − 3 PUFA ratio without affecting the technological and sensory properties? Meat Science, 130, 16–25.

Hentz, F., Velho, J. P., Nörnberg, J. L., Haygert-Velho, I. M. P., Henz, É. L., Henn, J. D., Peripolli, V., & Zardin, P. B. (2017). Fractionation of carbohydrates and nitrogenous constituents of latecrop corn silages ensiled with different specific masses. Semina:Ciencias Agrarias, 38(1), 491–501.

Holkem, A. T., Raddatz, G. C., Barin, J. S., Moraes Flores, É. M., Muller, E. I., Codevilla, C. F., Jacob-Lopes, E., Ferreira Grosso, C. R., & de Menezes, C. R. (2017). Production of microcapsules containing Bifidobacterium BB-12 by emulsification/internal gelation. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 76, 216–221.

Iltchenco, S., Kempka, A. P., & Prestes, R. C. (2017). PROFILES OF ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF DIFFERENT COLLAGENS AND DERIVATIVES OVER TIME. Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Agroindustrial, 11(1), 2165–2185.

Jahn, R. C., Garcia, M. V., & Copetti, M. V. (2017). Deterioração fúngica em indústria de queijo tipo tropical. Brazilian Journal of Food Research, 8(1), 16.

Kringel, D. H., Antunes, M. D., Klein, B., Crizel, R. L., Wagner, R., de Oliveira, R. P., Dias, A. R. G., & Zavareze, E. da R. (2017). Production, Characterization, and Stability of Orange or Eucalyptus Essential Oil/β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex. Journal of Food Science, 82(11), 2598–2605.

Kuhl, G. C., Gusso, A. P., Simas Porto, B. L., Olivera Müller, C. M., Mazzon, R. R., Leal de Oliveira, M. A., Pereira dos Santos Richards, N. S., & De Dea Lindner, J. (2017). Selection of Lactic Acid Bacteria for the Optimized Production of Sheep’s Milk Yogurt with a High Conjugated Linoleic Acid Content. Journal of Food Research, 6(4), 44.

Lorenzo, J. M., Munekata, P. E. S., Campagnol, P. C. B., Zhu, Z., Alpas, H., Barba, F. J., & Tomasevic, I. (2017). Technological aspects of horse meat products – A review. In Food Research International (Vol. 102, pp. 176–183). Elsevier Ltd.

Machado, L. V., Mallmann, C. A., Mallmann, A. O., Coelho, R. D., & Copetti, M. V. (2017). Deoxynivalenol in wheat and wheat products from a harvest affected by fusarium head blight. Food Science and Technology, 37(1), 8–12.

Marangoni, C., Cichoski, A. J., & And 1 Barin, J. S. (2017). Effect of olive leaves on the quality of chicken meat during frozen storage. In International Food Research Journal (Vol. 24, Issue 1).

Maurer, L. H., Bersch, A. M., Santos, R. O., Trindade, S. C., Costa, E. L., Peres, M. M., Malmann, C. A., Schneider, M., Bochi, V. C., Sautter, C. K., & Emanuelli, T. (2017). Postharvest UV-C irradiation stimulates the non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidant system of ‘Isabel’ hybrid grapes (Vitis labrusca × Vitis vinifera L.). Food Research International, 102, 738–747.

Maysonnave, G. S., Campara, J. M., Vaz, F. N., Pascoal, L. L., Mello, R. O., Vargas, F. V., & Pacheco, P. S. (2017). Exploratory study of pricing of sheep and lamb meats sold in on line markets across different countries. Archivos de Zootecnia, 66(255), 403–411.

Mb, S., Ss, M., Cp, B., Copetti, C., Va, P., Severo Da Rosa, C., & Nn, T. (2017). Development and Quality of Ham Pâté with Added Natural Antioxidant Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia deliciosa) Skin. J Nutr Food Sci, 7(5), 624.

Meinhart, A. D., da Silveira, T. F. F., Petrarca, M. H., Silva, L. H., de Moraes, M. R., Ballus, C. A., de Souza, P. O., de Souza, T. C. L., Wagner, R., Bolini, H. M. A., Bruns, R. E., & Godoy, H. T. (2017). Mixed oil formulations enriched in essential fatty acids and reduced ratio of n-6/n-3. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 119(10), 1600400.

Meinhart, A. D., Ferreira da Silveira, T. F., Rosa de Moraes, M., Petrarca, M. H., Silva, L. H., Oliveira, W. S., Wagner, R., André Bolini, H. M., Bruns, R. E., Filho, J. T., & Godoy, H. T. (2017). Optimization of frying oil composition rich in essential fatty acids by mixture design. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 84, 795–803.

Meireles dos Santos, A., Meireles dos Santos, A., Basso Sartori, R., Zepka Queiroz, L., Smanioto Barin, J., & Jacob-Lopes, E. (2017). Nutrient cycling in meat processing industry by microalgae-based processes. Desalination and Water Treatment.

Milanesi, L. H., Roversi, K., Antoniazzi, C. T. D., Segat, H. J., Kronbauer, M., D’avila, L. F., Dias, V. T., Sari, M. H. M., Barcelos, R. C. S., Maurer, L. H., Emanuelli, T., Burger, M. E., & Trevizol, F. (2017). Toxicological aspects of the interesterified-fat from processed foods: Influences on opioid system and its reward effects in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 110, 25–32.

Missio, A. L., Tischer, B., dos Santos, P. S. B., Codevilla, C., de Menezes, C. R., Barin, J. S., Haselein, C. R., Labidi, J., Gatto, D. A., Petutschnigg, A., & Tondi, G. (2017). Analytical characterization of purified mimosa (Acacia mearnsii) industrial tannin extract: Single and sequential fractionation. Separation and Purification Technology, 186, 218–225.

Munekata, P. E. S., Domínguez, R., Campagnol, P. C. B., Franco, D., Trindade, M. A., & Lorenzo, J. M. (2017). Effect of natural antioxidants on physicochemical properties and lipid stability of pork liver pâté manufactured with healthy oils during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(13), 4324–4334.

Neumann, M., Nörnberg, J. L., Leão, G. F. M., Horst, E. H., & Figueira, D. N. (2017). Composição química fracional de carboidratos e de proteínas de silagens de milho fertilizadas com doses crescentes de nitrogênio. Ciencia Rural, 47(5), 5.

Oliveira, A. S., Nora, F. M. D., Mello, R. O., Mello, P. A., Tischer, B., Costa, A. B., & Barin, J. S. (2017). One-Shot, reagent-free determination of the alcoholic content of distilled beverages by thermal infrared enthalpimetry. Talanta, 171, 335–340.

Pase, C. S., Roversi, K., Roversi, K., Vey, L. T., Dias, V. T., Veit, J. C., Maurer, L. H., Duarte, T., Emanuelli, T., Duarte, M., & Bürger, M. E. (2017). Maternal trans fat intake during pregnancy or lactation impairs memory and alters BDNF and TrkB levels in the hippocampus of adult offspring exposed to chronic mild stress. Physiology and Behavior, 169, 114–123.

Patias, L. D., Fernandes, A. S., Petry, F. C., Mercadante, A. Z., Jacob-Lopes, E., & Zepka, L. Q. (2017). Carotenoid profile of three microalgae/cyanobacteria species with peroxyl radical scavenger capacity. Food Research International, 100, 260–266.

Pedrotti, M. F., Pereira, L. S. F., Bizzi, C. A., Paniz, J. N. G., Barin, J. S., & Flores, E. M. M. (2017). Microwave-induced combustion: Thermal and morphological aspects for understanding the mechanism of ignition process for analytical applications. Talanta, 174, 64–71.

Piovesan, N., Viera, V. B., Mello, R. de O., Santos, R. C. V. dos., Vaucher, R., Dressler, V. L., Bizzi, C. A., & Fries, L. L. M. (2017). Microwave-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) and their antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity. In International Food Research Journal (Vol. 24, Issue 6).

Rodrigues, H., Cielo, D. P., Goméz-Corona, C., Silveira, A. A. S., Marchesan, T. A., Galmarini, M. V., & Richards, N. S. P. S. (2017). Eating flowers? Exploring attitudes and consumers’ representation of edible flowers. Food Research International, 100, 227–234.

Roehrs, M., Conte, L., da Silva, D. T., Duarte, T., Maurer, L. H., de Carvalho, J. A. M., Moresco, R. N., Somacal, S., & Emanuelli, T. (2017). Annatto carotenoids attenuate oxidative stress and inflammatory response after high-calorie meal in healthy subjects. Food Research International, 100(Pt 1), 771–779.

Rosa, J. S., Saraiva Junior, J. R., Real, A. G., Siqueira, L. Q., & Rosa, C. S. (2017). Influência dos ácidos graxos ômega 3 e vitamina D na depressão: uma breve revisão. Revista de Ciências Médicas e Biológicas, 16(2), 217.

Rossi, G. G., Guterres, K. B., Bonez, P. C., da Silva Gundel, S., Aggertt, V. A., Siqueira, F. S., Ourique, A. F., Wagnerd, R., Klein, B., Santos, R. C. V., & de Campos, M. M. A. (2017). Antibiofilm activity of nanoemulsions of Cymbopogon flexuosus against rapidly growing mycobacteria. Microbial Pathogenesis, 113, 335–341.

Santos,  dos. (2017). Utilization of flavor enhancers in hamburgers with replacement of 70% NaCl by KCl. In International Food Research Journal (Vol. 24, Issue 1).

Santos, C. O., Silveira, M. R., Santos, A. M., Quatrin, A., And ’, & Rosa, C. S. (2017). Resource recovery in the food industry: use in the development of cakes. In International Food Research Journal (Vol. 24, Issue 5).

Santos Sou, D., Augusto Ba, C., da Silva O, W., Teixeira F, J., & Teixeira G, H. (2017). Quantitative Profile of Fatty Acids and Tocopherols in Tamarind Seeds (Tamarindus indica L.) From Different States of Brazil. Research Journal of Phytochemistry, 11(3), 118–128.

Scapin, G., Abaide, E. R., Martins, R. F., Vendruscolo, R. G., Mazutti, M. A., Wagner, R., & da Rosa, C. S. (2017). Quality of perilla oil (Perilla frutescens) extracted with compressed CO2 and LPG. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 130, 176–182.

Scapin, G., Abaide, E. R., Nunes, L. F., Mazutti, M. A., Vendruscolo, R. G., Wagner, R., & da Rosa, C. S. (2017). Effect of pressure and temperature on the quality of chia oil extracted using pressurized fluids. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 127, 90–96.

Schmidt, L., Bizzi, C. A., Rosa, F. C., Cruz, S. M., Barin, J. S., & Flores, E. M. M. (2017). Microwave-induced combustion: Towards a robust and predictable sample preparation method. New Journal of Chemistry, 41(14), 6902–6910.

Segat, H. J., Barcelos, R. C. S., Metz, V. G., Rosa, H. Z., Roversi, K., Antoniazzi, C. T. D., Vey, L. T., Kronbauer, M., Veit, J. C., Piccolo, J. C., Emanuelli, T., & Burger, M. E. (2017). Influence of physical activity on addiction parameters of rats exposed to amphetamine which were previously supplemented with hydrogenated vegetable fat. Brain Research Bulletin, 135, 69–76.

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Streit, N. M., Ramírez-Mérida, L. G., Queiroz Zepka, L., Jacob-Lopes, E., & Queiroz, M. I. (2017). Producción de pigmentos por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli a partir de residuos industriales lácteos. Ingeniare, 25(2), 350–358.

Thewes, F. R., Brackmann, A., Anese, R. de O., Ludwig, V., Schultz, E. E., dos Santos, L. F., & Wendt, L. M. (2017). Effect of dynamic controlled atmosphere monitored by respiratory quotient and 1-methylcyclopropene on the metabolism and quality of ‘Galaxy’ apple harvested at three maturity stages. Food Chemistry, 222, 84–93.

Thewes, F. R., Brackmann, A., Both, V., Weber, A., Anese, R. de O., Ferrão, T. dos S., & Wagner, R. (2017). The different impacts of dynamic controlled atmosphere and controlled atmosphere storage in the quality attributes of ‘Fuji Suprema’ apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 130, 7–20.

Thewes, F. R., Brackmann, A., de Oliveira Anese, R., Bronzatto, E. S., Schultz, E. E., & Wagner, R. (2017). Dynamic controlled atmosphere storage suppresses metabolism and enhances volatile concentrations of ‘Galaxy’ apple harvested at three maturity stages. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 127, 1–13.

Tischer, B., Oliveira, A. S., Costa, A. B., Cichoski, A. J., Barcia, M. T., Wagner, R., & Barin, J. S. (2017). Rapid and simultaneous determination of acidity and salt content of pickled vegetable brine by using thermal infrared enthalpimetry. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 63, 34–37.

Tischer, B., Oliveira, A. S., Ferreira, D. de F., Menezes, C. R., Duarte, F. A., Wagner, R., & Barin, J. S. (2017). Rapid microplate, green method for high-throughput evaluation of vinegar acidity using thermal infrared enthalpimetry. Food Chemistry, 215, 17–21.

Tischer, B., Vendruscolo, R. G., Wagner, R., Menezes, C. R., Barin, C. S., Giacomelli, S. R., Budel, J. M., & Barin, J. S. (2017). Effect of grinding method on the analysis of essential oil from Baccharis articulata (Lam.) Pers. Chemical Papers, 71(4), 753–761.

Treptow, T. C., Comarella, C. G., Brackmann, A., Hecktheuer, L. H. R., Rodrigues, E., Pötter, G. H., Bochi, V. C., & Sautter, C. K. (2017). Thermaculture on “Cabernet Sauvignon” vineyard increases wine pigments and wine sensory quality. Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, 32(2), 82–92.

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Treptow, T. C., Franco, F. W., Mascarin, L. G., Hecktheuer, L. H. R., & Sautter, C. K. (2017). Composição físico-química e análise sensorial do suco integral de uvas irradiadas com luz ultravioleta do tipo C. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 39(3).

Veit, J. C., Piccolo, J., Facco, G., Scherer, A. F., Baldisserotto, B., Koakoski, G., Menezes, C. C., Loro, V. L., Barcellos, L. J. G., Mello, R. O., & Emanuelli, T. (2017). Influence of Electronarcosis on Behavioral Responses, Blood Markers, and Fillet Properties of Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen). Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 26(3), 308–324.

Viera, V.B., 1, Piovesan, N., 3, Rodrigues, J.B., Mello, R. de O., & Prestes, R.C., Santos, R.C. V dos., Vaucher, R. de A., Hautrive, T. P., Kubota, E. H. (2017). Extraction of phenolic compounds and evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of red onion skin (Allium cepa L.). In International Food Research Journal (Vol. 24, Issue 3).

Werner, C., Cadoná, F. C., Mânica Da Cruz, I. B., Ribas, E., Flôres, S., Machado, A. K., Fantinel, M. R., Castagna, G., Weis, C., Assmann, C. E., De Oliveira Alves, A., Da, B., Rosa Bonadiman, S., Ribeiro, E., Aurélio, M., & Montano, E. (2017). A chemical compound based on methylxanthine-polyphenols lowers nitric oxide levels and increases post-thaw human sperm viability. Zygote, 25, 719–730.


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