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Divulgação de Curso | FGV Rio School on Global Governance, Democracy and Human Rights

Abertura de vagas para a primeira edição do curso Rio School on Global Governance, Democracy and Human Rights, uma atividade do Centro de Excelência Jean Monnet da FGV Direito Rio, financiado pela Comissão Europeia, no âmbito do programa Erasmus+.

O público alvo do curso são estudantes de graduação, mestrado e doutorado em Direito e Relações Internacionais. O curso será em formato híbrido (vagas virtuais e presenciais) e abordará diferentes tópicos sobre Regulamentação Global, Litigância Global e Direitos Humanos e Democracia.

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FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School opens applications for the first edition of the course Rio School on Global Governance, Democracy and Human Rights, an activity of the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, with the support of the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

The Rio School is a four-month hybrid programme (in person or online), taught in English and Portuguese, aimed at expanding knowledge on universal and regional International Organizations’ practices on Global Governance. The lectures provide an understanding and critical analysis of the International Organizations and the European Union’s institutions, their decision-making process, and challenges to their external action strategy and goals in Latin America.

Featuring an internationally distinguished teaching staff and guest professors and experts from different professional backgrounds and fields of knowledge, a contemporary curriculum, an innovative educational methodology and a carefully selected student body, the course presents an unprecedented programme in Latin America.

The course is designed for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students, lawyers and professionals, notably in the areas of Law, International Relations and Social Sciences.

The 2023 edition of the Rio School on Global Governance, Democracy and Human Rights will occur from March 1st to June 14th, 2023, on Wednesdays, from 3:50pm to 5:30pm (GMT -3h), in person at the FGV’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro (Praia de Botafogo, 190) or online (Zoom Platform).

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