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Autor(es) Catherine Ribeiro Rosa, Ana Elise da Silva Gonçalves, Fabiane Vieira Romano, Amara Lúcia Holanda Tavares Battistel 
Orientador(es): Fabiane Vieira Romano
Ano: 2016


Based on the designer’s need to act in the social context, this work was conducted in the Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria (HUSM), with the main goal of providing entertainment and fun to children and young patients who underwent treatments or were admitted in the Chemotherapy Ambulatory and in the Centro de Tratamento da Criança e Adolescente com Câncer – Treatment Center for Children and Teenagers with Cancer (CTCriaC). Possibilities were explored so that the designer could act as an intermediary between patients treated there and their hospital daily life, in order to collaborate and provide them with a more pleasant stay during chemotherapy treatments and hospitalization. Paying visits, observing the routine of patients and other involved individuals, as well as researching about illnesses and their treatments, interviewing the medical staff and the investigations conducted by graders from the Occupational Therapy course of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) about the needs and desires expressed by children and teenagers, allowed identifying intervention opportunities for the designer to improve the environment. As a result, we had the development of two products that explore activities, mixing in a productive way with the hospital routine to which patients are submitted.


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