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Dear Colleagues

Attached you can find a call for scholarships that you might find interesting for your students, network or yourself. Feel free to share this call with whoever is interested.

More information on the project can be find on:

Attached is a .pdf that you can forward, or you can copy paste the whole text below my signature.

Sam Janssen
Scientific Supervisor

University of Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200E, PO Box 2407 – 3001 Leuven, Belgium

10th Edition of the Field School for Social and Cultural Anthropology
Gozo (Malta), Europe
June 10, 2015 – June 29
July 4, 2015 – July 23
July 28, 2015 – August 16


This call is aimed at budding researchers with a creative and open mind towards the challenges of applied research. We offer a unique learning opportunity in a multidisciplinary research project on the isle of Gozo, Malta. Expeditions and the University of Leuven hand out eight scholarships that cover part or all of the tuition fee for the 2015 Malta Summer School. Scholarships are granted on a competitive basis, based on a research proposal.

More information on the project can be find on:

Eligible candidates

· Undergraduate and graduate students
· PhD students
· Everyone with a genuine interest in anthropology
· Previous participants of the project

Selection is NOT based on academic merit, originality or complexity. We aim for enthusiasm, dedication and creativity. In the past years even students who were not enrolled in an anthropology program got scholarships for the project.

Selection Procedure

Candidates are invited to propose two or more creative research concepts that can be performed during the summer school. So the research topic has to relate to something on which you can do fieldwork on Malta, and preferably Gozo.

From these proposals, the academic board of Expeditions will select 15 different candidates to work out a more detailed research plan within a deadline of two months (February/March). The three best research proposals will be granted a full scholarship. The next five runners-up will be granted a scholarship of 1,700.00? (about 60% of the total tuition) which will be deducted from their tuition fee.

In the first stage:
· All submissions will compete equally. You are allowed to send in as much research ideas as you like.
· Concepts should be rudimentarily explained.
· Applicants are asked to focus on creativity and an initial-stage argumentation on why the research is valuable.

After initial acceptance:
· Applicants will develop further one selected proposal under assistance of our tutors (via e-mail or skype).
· Elaboration on feasibility, methodology and research layouts should fleshed out in this stage only
· Final research proposals to be submitted within two months after initial acceptance

How to apply?

· Send us 2 or more research concepts (but at least two!).
· 150-250 words per research concept.
· Submitting can only be done through the form on our website.
· The deadline for submissions is January 25th, 2015.

Please note that the number of students accepted in the program is limited. Scholarships will be granted only after the completion of the selection procedure, while registration is open to non-scholarship participants. In case you wish to join the project even if you don’t get the scholarship, we advise to register through the regular procedure as early as possible since non-scholarship slots are usually filled by the end of December.

Official certificate when completing.
Leading professor: Marc Vanlangendonck
University of Leuven and IMMRC 


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